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GitHub Action

Create Or Update Release

v1.0.1 Latest version

Create Or Update Release


Create Or Update Release

GitHub Action to Create Release


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Create Or Update Release

uses: joutvhu/create-release@v1.0.1

Learn more about this action in joutvhu/create-release

Choose a version

Create Release

GitHub Action to create release.


See action.yml


For more information on these inputs, see the API Documentation

  • owner: The name of the owner of the repo. Used to identify the owner of the repository. Used when cutting releases for external repositories. Default: Current owner
  • repo: The name of the repository. Used to identify the repository on which to release. Used when cutting releases for external repositories. Default: Current repository
  • tag_name: The name of the tag for this release
  • name: The name of the release
  • body: Text describing the contents of the release. Optional, and not needed if using body_path.
  • body_path: A file with contents describing the release. Optional, and not needed if using body.
  • draft: true to create a draft (unpublished) release, false to create a published one. Default: false
  • prerelease: true to identify the release as a prerelease. false to identify the release as a full release. Default: false
  • target_commitish : Any branch or commit SHA the Git tag is created from, unused if the Git tag already exists. Default: SHA of current commit
  • discussion_category_name: When provided this will generate a discussion of the specified category. The category must exist otherwise this will cause the action to fail. This isn't used with draft releases.
  • generate_release_notes: Indicates if release notes should be automatically generated.
  • on_release_exists: Indicate what to do if a release already exists. Options: skip, update, update_only_unreleased, update_only_unreleased_or_skip, error. Default skip.
  • remove_assets: Indicates if existing release artifacts should be removed.

The body_path is valuable for dynamically creating a .md within code commits and even within the Github Action steps leading up to the create-release.


For more information on these outputs, see the API Documentation for an example of what these outputs look like

  • id: The release ID
  • html_url: The URL users can navigate to in order to view the release. i.e.
  • upload_url: The URL for uploading assets to the release, which could be used by GitHub Actions for additional uses, for example the @actions/upload-release-asset GitHub Action
  • tag_name: The git tag associated with the release. ex: v1.1.0
  • prerelease: Whether the release is a pre-release


  contents: write
  - name: Create Release
    id: create_release
    uses: joutvhu/create-release@v1
      tag_name: v1.0.0
      name: Release v1.0.0
      body: |
        Changes in this Release
        - First Change
        - Second Change
      draft: false
      prerelease: false
      GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

This will create a Release, as well as a release event, which could be handled by a third party service, or by GitHub Actions for additional uses, for example the @actions/upload-release-asset GitHub Action.