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GitHub Action

Equinix Metal Sweeper


Equinix Metal Sweeper


Equinix Metal Sweeper

The Equinix Metal Sweeper action deletes a project including all server resources in that project


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Equinix Metal Sweeper

uses: equinix-labs/metal-sweeper-action@v0.3.0

Learn more about this action in equinix-labs/metal-sweeper-action

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Experimental Github Action for managing Equinix Metal Projects.

💡 See also:

Given a Equinix Metal User API Token and a Project ID, the project will be deleted with all resources in that project.

Create a project with the Equinix Metal Project Action.

See the Equinix Metal Actions Example for usage examples.


With Environment variable Description
userToken METAL_AUTH_TOKEN (required) A Equinix Metal User API Token
projectID METAL_PROJECT_ID (required) Project ID that will be deleted.
keepProject KEEP_PROJECT When set to the default of false, the project will be deleted after all project contents are deleted.


There are no outputs.