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GitHub Action

Markdown Reviwer and Translator

v1.1.1 Latest version

Markdown Reviwer and Translator


Markdown Reviwer and Translator

Markdown grammar reviewer and translation into any other language powered by Google Gemini


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Markdown Reviwer and Translator

uses: trystan2k/md-translator-reviewer@v1.1.1

Learn more about this action in trystan2k/md-translator-reviewer

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Markdown Translator and Reviewer


Powered by: Google Vercel AI OpenAI

📍 Overview

Markdown Translator and Reviewer is a GitHub Action that leverages Generative AI to streamline the review process for markdown files. The action enables users to translate markdown files into multiple languages, generate review suggestions, and automatically apply these suggestions to the code. It utilizes a robust command parsing system, ensuring user input is correctly interpreted and executed. By integrating AI-powered translation and review capabilities, the action simplifies the collaborative process, allowing developers to focus on content while the action handles language barriers and provides insightful feedback.

📦 Providers

The action supports multiple AI providers for translation and review suggestions:

  • Google Generative AI API: The action integrates with Google's Generative AI API for translation and review suggestions.
  • Vercel AI Google API: The action integrates with Vercel AI Google API for translation and review suggestions.
  • Vercel AI OpenAI API: The action integrates with Vercel AI OpenAI API for translation and review suggestions.

The action can be configured to use any of the available providers by specifying the provider name in the workflow file (into the aiProvider property). The provider name should be one of the following:

  • google: Google Generative AI API
  • vercel-ai-google: Vercel AI Google API
  • vercel-ai-openai: Vercel AI OpenAI API

👾 Features


  • Permissions: The commands (translate, review and apply-review) can only be executed by users with write permissions to the repository.


The command supports the following commands that can handle markdown (.md) and markdown-jsx (.mdx) files:

  • Translation: The action translates markdown files into multiple languages, enabling global collaboration and communication.
  • Review: The action review the markdown file where the command is add as a comment and highlighting potential improvements and areas for enhancement.
  • Apply Review: The action applies the review suggestions to the markdown files where the command is add as a comment.

Code Quality

  • TypeScript: The action is developed using TypeScript, ensuring type safety and code consistency.
  • ESLint and Prettier: The codebase adheres to best practices using ESLint and Prettier for consistent code formatting.
  • Unit Tests: The action includes unit tests to validate the correctness of individual functions and modules.


  • Vitest: The action utilizes Vitest for testing, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of the codebase.
  • Code Coverage: The action maintains a high code coverage percentage, guaranteeing comprehensive testing.


  • Google Generative AI API: The action integrates with Google's Generative AI API for translation and review suggestions.
  • Vercel AI: The action integrates with Vercel AI for translation and review suggestions.
  • GitHub API: The action interacts with the GitHub API to access and modify markdown files within repositories.

🚀 Getting Started

To use the Markdown Translator and Reviewer action, it is necessary to configure the required permissions and API keys. Later you need to create a workflow file in your repository to trigger the action.


It is necessary to enable Read and write permissions for the GitHub Token in the repository settings. This permission is required to access and modify markdown files within the repository.

  1. Navigate to the repository Settings.
  2. Expand the Actions section and click on General
  3. Scroll down to the Permissions section and ensure that the Read and write permissions are enabled for the GitHub Token.


To use the action, you need to obtain an API key for the choosen Provider. Follow these steps to create an API key:

Google Generative AI API

To use the Google Generative AI API, you need to create an API key. Follow these steps to create an API key:

  1. Go to Google AI Studio.
  2. Login with your Google account.
  3. Create an API key. Note that in Europe the free tier is not available.

Vercel AI API

To use the any Vercel AI API provider, you need to create an API key for that specific provider. For example, if you want to use Vercel AI Google API as provider, you need to provide a Google AI api key generated in Google's AI page.

Vercel AI Google API

To use the Vercel AI Google API, you need to create an API key. Follow these steps to create an API key:

  1. Go to Google AI Studio.
  2. Login with your Google account.
  3. Create an API key. Note that in Europe the free tier is not available.
Vercel AI OpenAI API

To use the Vercel AI OpenAI API, you need to create an API key. Follow these steps to create an API key:

  1. Go to OpenAI.
  2. Login with your OpenAI account.
  3. Create an API key.

Once you have obtained the API key, add it to the repository secrets as AI_API_KEY (for any of the provider selected, use the same variable).

  1. Navigate to the repository Settings.
  2. Expand the Secrets and variables section and click on Actions.
  3. Click on New repository secret.
  4. Add the
    • Name: AI_API_KEY
    • Value: <Your API Key>

Workflow File

Create a new workflow file in your repository to trigger the Markdown Translator and Reviewer action. The workflow file should be placed in the .github/workflows directory.


To the workflow work correctly, you need to configure it to only run on a specific event named pull_request_review_comment and type created. This event is triggered when a user creates a review comment on a pull request file, so the action has the reference to the file that needs to be translated or reviewed. Also, configure it to only run when the comment contains the command /mtr- to avoid unnecessary executions.


The action requires the following inputs:

Name Required Default Value Description
token true ${{ github.token }} The GitHub token to access the repository.
aiApiKey true The API key for the selected AI provider.
aiProvider true google The name of the AI provider to use (google, vercel-ai-google, vercel-ai-openai).
aiModel false gemini-1.5-flash The AI model to use for the translation.
translateCommitMessageTemplate false add translation of file %file for language %lang The commit message template for translation. %file is replaced by file path and %lang for the language
reviewCommitMessageTemplate false add review suggestions for file %file The commit message template for review suggestions. %file is replaced by file path

Example of a workflow file:

name: Markdown Translator and Reviewer Workflow

  # Execute when a comment is created in a file of a pull request
    types: [ created ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: A job to run the Markdown Reviwer and Translator
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Run Markdown Translator and Reviewer
        # Only run the action when the comment contains the command '/mtr-'
        if: |
          contains(github.event.comment.body, '/mtr-')
        uses: trystan2k/md-translator-reviewer@v1
          aiApiKey: ${{ secrets.AI_API_KEY }}
          aiProvider: 'google' # current available providers: google, vercel-ai-google, vercel-ai-openai
          aiModel: 'gemini-1.5-flash'


Once everything is configured in place, to trigger the action, create a review comment in a pull request file containing the command /mtr- followed by the desired action and parameters. The action and parameters should be separated by spaces. The action can be one of the following

  • translate: Translates the markdown file into the specified language, creating and pushing to the branch a new file with the translated content and naming it with the language name.

    Example: /mtr-translate spanish (or /mtr-translate es-ES) translates the markdown file into Spanish, generating a new file named <origina-file-name> (or <origina-file-name> .

  • review: Reviews the markdown file, providing suggestions, via comment reply, and highlighting areas for improvement.

    Example: /mtr-review reviews the markdown file.

  • apply-review: Once a commend with review suggestions is created, reply to this comment quoting it (you can even remove or add new suggestions, following the format) with this command to apply the review suggestions.

    Example: /mtr-apply-review applies the review suggestions, updating and pushing the markdown file to the branch.

Supported Languages

The action supports any language available in the available AI providers (see section Providers).

🏗️ Building the Project

Ensure you have Node.js and PNPM installed on your machine before proceeding with the installation.

❯ node -v
>= 20.0.0

❯ pnpm -v
>= 9.9.0


Build the project from source:

  1. Clone the repository:
❯ git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd md-translator-reviewer
  1. Install the required dependencies:
❯ pnpm install


To build the project for distribution, run the following command:

❯ pnpm build


Execute the test suite using the following command:

❯ pnpm test

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Here are several ways you can contribute:

Contributor Graph

🎗 License

This project is protected under the MIT License. For more details, refer to the LICENSE file.

🔖 References

GitHub Actions