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GitHub Action

Set Github Variable by Open Foxes


Set Github Variable by Open Foxes


Set Github Variable by Open Foxes

Update Github variables from within actions


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Set Github Variable by Open Foxes

uses: OpenFoxes/set-github-variable@v1.2.1

Learn more about this action in OpenFoxes/set-github-variable

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A GitHub Action for updating Github Variables


Updates Github Variable for a repository or organization.

- uses: openfoxes/set-github-variable@v1.2.0
      name: 'SAMPLE_VAR'
      value: 'Hello World'
      repository: openfoxes/set-github-variable
      token: ${{ secrets.REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN }}


  1. Create a Github Variable for your repo/organization.
  2. Create an access token with access to manage actions repository variables.

It does not require to do checkout and it's independent on the Github runner/docker container used.



The following are required

Name Type Description
name String Variable name
value String Variable value
repository String Repository name, with format <organization>/<repository> i.e mmoyaferrer/set-github-variable
token String Repository Token
logOldValue Boolean Enables/Disables logging of the previous variable value

The following are optional, to be provided when the value is Org scoped instead of a repository variable:

Name Type Description
org Boolean Details if the variable belongs to an organization (default is false)
visibility String Configures access to the repositorys in the org, see more
selectedRepositoryIds String[Integer] Array of repositories ids where to update the org-scoped variable, see more


The following outputs can be accessed via ${{ steps.<step-id>.outputs }} from this action

Name Type Description
data String Response data from Github API
status Integer Response code from Github API