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GitHub Action

Terratag by env0

1.0.2 Latest version

Terratag by env0


Terratag by env0

Set up and runs Terratag in your GitHub Actions workflow


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Terratag by env0

uses: env0/terratag-action@1.0.2

Learn more about this action in env0/terratag-action

Choose a version

Terratag Action

A GitHub Action for Terratag

Example Usage

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Check out code into the Go module directory
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v1
          terraform_version: 0.13.5
          # more setup-terraform configuration. See
      - name: run terraform init
        run: |
            cd path/to/terraform/files && terraform init

      - uses: env0/terratag-action@main
          tags: |
          dir: test/fixture/terraform_13_14/aws_autoscaling_group/input 


terraform must be installed and "init" run before terratag can run (see above usage example for a suggestion on how to do that in github actions).

Possible arguments that can be specified as with arguments:

  • tags - required - a JSON object of tags to terratag
  • dir - a directory to run in, if not workspace folder, optional
  • skipTerratagFiles: false - specify this to run terratag over files with extension as well
  • verbose: true - specify this to turn on verbose logging
  • rename: false - specify this to prevent renaming files to end with suffix
  • terratagVersion: X.X.X - specify a specific version of terratag to use - otherwise latest release is used by default