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GitHub Action

Transfer Issue & Create Stub


Transfer Issue & Create Stub


Transfer Issue & Create Stub

A GitHub Action for transferring issues between github repos with the ability to create a stub issue in the original repo


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Transfer Issue & Create Stub

uses: lando/transfer-issue-action@1.3.0

Learn more about this action in lando/transfer-issue-action

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Transfer Issue GitHub Action

A GitHub Action for transferring issues between github repos. It also has the ability to do the following:

  • Optionally create a stub issue in the original issue that is closed and locked. This allows for a better user experience when search for issues in the old repo. The stub issue will have the following comment attached to it as well:
    @issue-author this is a stub issue that has been created as a placeholder in this repo.
    Your original issue has been moved to link-to-transferred-repo-issue
  • Optionally create labels from a file and add the labels to the transferred issue.
  • Optionally map the triggered label to a file of keyed repos to send the issue to.


Input Description Required Default
pat_token The GitHub Perosnal Access Token created with repo access. yes -
destination_repo The destination repo. yes* -
create_stub Create a stub issue with title and description in original repo. no true
labels_file_path Create labels if it doesn't exist in the transferred repo and tag the transferred issue. no -
map_repo_labels_file_path Maps the triggering label to a file keyed label:destination_repo. If the label is found, it will transfer the issue to that repo. If not, it will exit the process and not tranfer any issue. yes* -

Input Notes

  • You must have either destination_repo or map_repo_labels_file_path set in your action. If not, it will throw an error.
  • The GITHUB_TOKEN provided by GitHub Actions will not work when transferring issue to another repo. You will get the error Resource not accessible by integration if you try and use it. Create a PAT with the repo check box and all its sub items checked.


Output Type Description
transferred_issue_number String The issue number of the transferred issue
transferred_issue_url String The issue url of the transferred issue
transferred_repo String The name of the destination repo

Basic Example

This will send the issue in a lando org repo to lando/transfer-repo

- name: Transfer Issue & Create Stub
  uses: lando/transfer-issue-action@1.3.0
    pat_token: ${{ secrets.TRANSFER_ISSUE_TOKEN }}
    destination_repo: 'transfer-repo'

Labels Example

Set a file path for the labels yaml file to create labels and tag them on the issues.

- name: Transfer Issue & Create Stub
  uses: lando/transfer-issue-action@1.3.0
    pat_token: ${{ secrets.TRANSFER_ISSUE_TOKEN }}
    destination_repo: 'transfer-repo'
    labels_file_path: '.github/transfer-issue-labels.yml'

Labels YAML File Example

The labels yaml is keyed as name to hex color.

'Needs Triage': 'FF0000'
'Test Label': '000000'

Map Repo Labels Example

This will use our yml file to check tags to dtermine which repos to send them to. Useful if you have a more complex use case.

- name: Transfer Issue & Create Stub
  uses: lando/transfer-issue-action@1.3.0
    pat_token: ${{ secrets.TRANSFER_ISSUE_TOKEN }}
    map_repo_labels_file_path: '.github/transfer-issue-map-repo-labels.yml'

Map Repo Labels YAML File Example

This will send all issues tagged bug to the repo lando/transfer-repo if used within the lando org. It will do the same for issues tagged trill and send them to the lando/tronic repo.

bug: transfer-repo
trill: tronic

Advanced Example

In this example, we are not creating a stub and just adding a comment to the tranferred issue via

- name: Transfer Issue & Create Stub
  uses: lando/transfer-issue-action@1.3.0
  id: transfer-issue
    pat_token: ${{ secrets.TRANSFER_ISSUE_TOKEN }}
    create_stub: false
    labels_file_path: '.github/transfer-issue-labels.yml'
    map_repo_labels_file_path: '.github/transfer-issue-map-repo-labels.yml'
- name: Update Transferred Issue
  uses: actions/github-script@v5
  if: steps.transfer-issue.outputs.transferred_issue_number != ''
  script: |
      issue_number: `${{ steps.transfer-issue.outputs.transferred_issue_number}}`,
      owner: context.repo.owner,
      repo: `${{ steps.transfer-issue.outputs.transferred_repo }}`,
      body: `@${ context.payload.issue.user.login } your issue is over here now!`


GraphQL Mutations for transferring a repo only allows you to tranfer repos within the same owner/org.