FabricPS is a Powershell module that enables easy access to the Fabric API.
Here is a sample script for using a user principal with MFA
Import-Module FabricPS -Force
Connect-AzAccount | Out-Null
$workspaces = Get-Workspaces
$workspace = New-Workspace -DisplayName "Test Workspace" -Description "A test workspace"
$notebook = New-Notebook -WorkspaceId $workspace.id -DisplayName "Test Notebook" -Description "A test notebook"
Here is an example script for using a service principal for automated exeuction
# Import the FabricPS module
Import-Module FabricPS -Force
# Define Service Principal credentials
$clientId = "{{your-client-id}}" # Replace with your SP's Application (Client) ID
$tenantId = "{{your-tenant-id}}" # Replace with your Azure Tenant ID
$clientSecret = "{{your-client-secret}}" # Replace with your SP's Client Secret
# Convert the client secret to a SecureString
$secureClientSecret = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $clientSecret -AsPlainText -Force
# Create a PSCredential object
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($clientId, $secureClientSecret)
# Connect to Azure using the Service Principal
Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -Credential $credential -TenantId $tenantId
$workspaces = Get-Workspaces