My repositories serve as a dynamic archive of my learning journey, each one a milestone in my continuous pursuit of knowledge and mastery in technology. From structured explorations in new (to me) technologies to experimental projects that push the boundaries of my understanding, these collections reflect my commitment to lifelong learning and the diverse paths I've taken to grow both personally and professionally.
- π WebSpark: A comprehensive web application for hosting my demo applications.
- π ReactSparkPortfolio: First React Vite Site on Github Pages
- Adapting with Purpose: Lifelong Learning in the AI Age
- Creating Law and Order Episode Generator
- I Know AP: The Transformative Power of MCP
- Open AI Sora First Impressions
- An Introduction to Neural Networks
- Automating My GitHub Profile with the Latest Blog Posts Using GitHub Actions
- EDS Super Bowl Commercials
- Using NotebookLM, Clipchamp, and ChatGPT for Podcasts