Tools for Case 1 Best-Worst Scaling (MaxDiff) Designs
A paper introducing the package and showing basic usage information can be found at the Open Science Framework:
To cite bwsTools in publications, please use:
White, M. H., II. (2021). bwsTools: An R package for case 1 best-worst scaling. Journal of Choice Modelling, 39. doi: 10.1016/j.jocm.2021.100289
Aggregate estimates, based on: analytical estimation of the multinomial logit model using
and Elo scores usingelo()
Individual estimates, based on: difference scores (best minus worst) using
, random walks in directed networks usingwalkscoring()
, empirical Bayes usinge_bayescoring()
, Elo scores usingeloscoring()
, and page rank scores usingprscoring()
A data.frame of balanced incomplete block designs for creating these studies,
, and a function to generate a balanced incomplete block design from this,make_bibd()