WUnderground PWS Viewer
View current and daily data for personal weather stations that report to Weather Underground. You simply provide a station ID. This plugin provides both a UI and API methods.
Install the following dependencies:
Python 2.7.x (required for node-gyp) https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7.6/
After you clone, run the following commands in the root directory of pwsview:
npm install
npm install -g hapi
npm link
npm link pwsview
To start the application after this, simply:
npm start
"message": "Success",
"data": {
"dataAge": {
"hours": 0,
"minutes": 0,
"seconds": 27
"stationId": "{stationId}",
"stationLocation": {
"gps_lat": {float_lat},
"gps_lon": {float_lon},
"city": "{city}",
"state": "{state}",
"country": "{country}",
"neighborhood": "{neighborhood}"
"currentConditions": {
"winddir": 298,
"windspeedmph": 0,
"windgustmph": 0,
"humidity": 96,
"tempf": 29.8,
"rainin_recent": 0,
"rainin_daily": 0,
"baromin": 29.97,
"dewptf": 28.8,
"weather_code": 0,
"clouds_code": 0,
"windchillf": 29,
"heatindexf": 30,
"elevationf": 453,
"maxtemp_daily": 30.4,
"maxtemp_time": "12:00am",
"mintemp_daily": 29.8,
"mintemp_time": "12:39AM",
"maxdewpoint": 29.3,
"mindewpoint": 28.8,
"maxpressure": 29.97,
"minpressure": 29.95,
"maxwindspeed": 0,
"maxwindgust": 0,
"maxrain_hr": 0,
"maxheatindex": 30,
"minwindchill": 29,
"indoortempf": 74.5,
"indoorhumidity": 32
"generatedInMs": 187
"message": "Invalid station ID",
"data": "{stationId}"
"message": "[Exception Message]",
"data": "[Exception Data]"
"message": "Success",
"data": {
"columns": [
"data": [
"2014-03-24 00:00:00",
"2014-03-24 04:00:00",
"2014-03-24 00:01:00",
"2014-03-24 04:01:00",
"generatedInMs": 992
columns: List of data headers, in pascal case
data: Array of data elements matching the headers in columns
"message": "Invalid station ID",
"data": "{stationId}"
"message": "[Exception Message]",
"data": "[Exception Data]"