It includes the following:
- Axios is used for Express to fetch data from the iTunes Search API and for React to fetch data from Express and the iTunes Search Api
- Bootstrap is used for modals and styling alongside the React Bootstrap UI library
- Bcrypt - use to hash my passwords in my database
- Cors is added to prevent issues with both frontend and backend running locally
- Dotenv is used to store sensitive values to access the online database
- DOMPurify is used to remove malicious code injections when dealing with forms
- Express is there to run as the backend server & deal with middleware
- Formik for form validation feedback
- Helmet as middleware in Express to mitigate cross-site scripting attacks
- Jsonwebtoken to identify users and their access rights
- MongoDB to store users, jwt tokens and fav media items add by users to the fav media list
- Mongoose to connect to Mongo DB
- Nodemon to save the dev from having to constantly restart the server after changes
- React is used for the frontend created via Vite
- React Redux is used so the username can be seen sitewide in the navbar when a person logs in & future state management purposes
- React Router Dom for site navigation
- Sweetalert2 for better looking alert messages
- Yup for form validation checks
The following was added for unit testing in Express
- babel-cli
- babel-preset-env
- jest
- superagent
- supertest
A full-stack web application using React, MongoDB and Express that interfaces with the iTunes Search API.
Code was written in Node.JS version 21. Node should be at the very least version 18.
If I haven't provided you with the .env file that has access to my database & you wish to run it on your own instance of MongoDB then change this line to your own settings.
const uri = `mongodb+srv://graveofmine99:${password}`;
in the backend/server.js file and make sure you have 2 collections called "users" and "favs".
The code has been tested on Windows 11 using the browsers Brave, Micorsoft Edge and LibreWolf.
If you're working with your own .env file place it inside the "backend" folder and provide your own entries for
## Check node version
node --version
### Install Dependencies & Run
Frontend and Backend code is kept apart to make it easier to understand
#### First from within this backend directory install the node modules then start the Express backend
cd backend npm i npm start
Unless you change the .env file in backend folder it will run off
#### Second from within the frontend directory install the node modules then start the React frontend
cd frontend npm i npm start
This typically defaults to
Always have the Express backend running in the background if you want to also run the React frontend.
#### Express Testing
To test the backend server via jest enter its directory & have it run via
cd backend npm start
Then from that directory run
npm test
### Usage
1) Go to the Register page in the React App with a gmail address for a username and a password meeting the criteria below.
Password must contain at least 8 characters, 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number and 1 special case character.
A jwt token gets store in the MongoDB Database.
2) Use the same username and password to login in the Login page.
3) You can now add your favorite media to lists or delete them from those lists in the Media Search section.
The data is fetched from iTunes Search API as you search it.
It is possible to view the fav lists when logged out, only create and delete operations are secured with jwt tokens.
4) If you do not want to bother logging in you can search for albums and get more info on them in the Album Info section.
You just need to enter an album name and album artist then a request is sent to the Express server which makes the request to the
iTunes API which then gets sent back from Express to the React App.