This site was created to demo my skills as a dev and should run on all modern browsers. There is a portfolio page where various projects can be downloaded. This README.MD is here to cover these various projects.
This site was mainly built with just HTML and CSS. JS also used to update copyright date on webpage footers. I also wanted to demo use of modal, gradients and flexbox.
HyperionDev menu order app portfolio project using JS, Html, Bootstrap & CSS
Used Prompt and Alert for user interactivity and feedback. Lots of JSON parsing and checking to make sure user doesn't input invalid data.
A browser that has JavaScript enabled. It has been used on Brave, Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari.
The app lets users login/register and add items from a fake store list to a cart. Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Formik, Sweetalert2 and Yup were used for better UX and cleaner form validation. For more info & the project's requirements please download the zip file "" and check the
The app allows users to search the iTunes API for music, movies & ebooks using React, React Redux, Express & MongoDB. Users that registered and logged in could add their fav media items to a list that is stored in a database. JWT tokens and bcrypt (to encrypt their passwords in the database) were used for handling registered users.
For more info & the project's requirements please download the zip file "" and check the