Kopipe (コピペ), pronounced as in (CopyPa)ste.
Dead simple ActiveRecord object copying for ActiveRecord 4.0+ and Ruby 2.0+.
Kopipe is in version 0.0.1.alpha, so neither expect this README to be accurate nor for the interface not to change.
Add it to your Gemfile with,
gem 'kopipe', github: 'markprzepiora/kopipe'
and run bundle install
"Sensei, I can use ActiveRecord::Base#dup
Instead, define a copier.
# lib/todo_copier.rb
class TodoCopier < Kopipe::Copier
# Copy simple attributes.
copies_attributes :name, :completed
# ":deep => false" instructs Kopipe to copy only the original references.
copies_belongs_to :author, :deep => false
copies_belongs_to :project, :deep => false
# Save when we're done.
In your code,
todo = Todo.find(1)
todo_copy = TodoCopier.new(todo).copy!
The student shrugged, unimpressed.
Later that day the student panicked. "My customer wants to clone one of her projects, together with its todos!"
I got you covered, grasshopper.
# lib/project_copier.rb
class ProjectCopier < Kopipe::Copier
# You know how to do this already.
copies_attributes :name
copies_belongs_to :owner, :deep => false
copies_has_and_belongs_to_many :developers, :deep => false
# Perform a deep copy of the todos, using TodoCopier to copy each one.
copies_has_many :todos, :deep => 'TodoCopier'
# If you want to end up with a built but not-yet persisted record, you
# can omit this.
# lib/todo_copier.rb
class TodoCopier < Kopipe::Copier
copies_attributes :name, :completed
copies_belongs_to :author, :deep => false
# Kopipe is smart enough not to endlessly copy projects and todos.
copies_belongs_to :project, :deep => 'ProjectCopier'
Copy it with one fell swoop.
project = Project.find(1)
project_copy = ProjectCopier.new(project).copy!
"Sensei, I have many todos, but while some are a Todo
, others are a Bug < Todo
, or a Feature < Todo
Worry not, I will not judge you.
class ProjectCopier < Kopipe::Copier
copies_has_many :todos, :polymorphic => true, :namespace => 'TodoCopiers'
module TodoCopiers
class TodoCopier < Kopipe::Copier
copies_attributes :name, :completed
class BugCopier < TodoCopier
copies_belongs_to :reported_by, :deep => false
class FeatureCopier < TodoCopier
copies_belongs_to :suggested_by, :deep => false
Depending on the number of validations/etc, Kopipe can be quite slow at copying large numbers of records, since it goes through ActiveRecord (which itself is slow at creating lots of records).
How slow?
require 'benchmark'
project = Project.create
500.times { project.todos.create }
puts Benchmark.measure {
project_copier = ProjectCopier.new(project)
project_copy = project_copier.copy!
# >> 4.540000 0.140000 4.680000 ( 6.417537)
The technical term for this is "Ouch".
We might try using activerecord-import to insert records instead, which promises to be much faster. This has a few challenges associated with it. (The leaves of the relationship chain would have to be copied first, and copying self-referential models would be tricky.)
But, it has to be done!