- Unity 2020.1.10f1
- ML Agents Version 1.4.0-preview - September 21, 2020 (within Unity)
- mlagents 0.21.0 (within python)
- python 3.8.5
- 3 ray sensors with 5 beams per direction
- 3 different models
- Normal
- Snow Hard
- Desert Hard
- 2 areas + 2 training areas
- training areas don't have a normal player
- environment is multiplied 4x for faster training
- environment contains ground, stones and water with mesh collider
- Learning config can be found in config/trainer_config.yaml
- algorithm: PPO (Proximal Policy Gradient)
- modified to work with mlagents 0.21 for python 3.8
- curricula with four lessons
- based on the Udemy course Reinforcement Learning: AI Flight with Unity ML-Agents