A curated list of awesome Keras projects, libraries and resources. Keras is a deep learning API written in Python, running on top of the machine learning platform TensorFlow. It was developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation.
- Core Libraries
- Frameworks
- Network Visualisation
- Examples/Notebooks
- Documentation
- Community Resources
- keras - Deep learning for humans.
- autokeras - AutoML library for deep learning.
- keras-tuner - Hyperparameter tuning for humans.
- keras-cv - Industry-strength Computer Vision workflows with Keras.
- keras-nlp - Development environment with seamless data transmission from one language to another.
- byteps - A high performance and generic framework for distributed DNN training.
- deep-learning-model-convertor - An overview of packages for model conversion between frameworks.
- deepo - A collection of/framework to create deep learning Docker images.
- einops - A library for flexible and powerful tensor operations to make code more readable and reliable.
- horovod - A distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
- hyperas - Keras + Hyperopt: A simple wrapper for hyperparameter optimization.
- keras-rl - Deep reinforcement learning for Keras.
- MMdnn - A cross-framework tool to convert, visualize and diagnose deep learning models.
- ncnn - A high-performance neural network framework optimized for mobile platforms.
- onnx - An open standard for machine learning interoperability.
- wandb - A tool for visualizing and tracking your machine learning experiments.
- keras-sequential-ascii - An ASCII summary for simple sequential models in Keras.
- keras-vis - A neural network visualization toolkit for keras.
- netron - A visualizer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models.
- tensorspace - A 3D visualization framework for neural networks.
- TtDoVAoNN - A list of tools to design or visualize architecture of neural networks.
- visualkeras - A Python package to help visualize Keras neural network architectures.
- ASRT_SpeechRecognition - A deep learning-Based Chinese speech recognition system.
- D2L.ai - An interactive deep learning book with multi-framework code, math, and discussions.
- data-science-ipython-notebooks - A collection of data science notebooks (dedicated Keras section).
- deepjazz - Deep learning-driven jazz music generation using Keras and Theano.
- donkeycar - Open source hardware and software platform to build a small scale self driving car.
- image-super-resolution - A implementation to scale images using residual dense and adversarial networks.
- imgclsmob - A sandbox for training convolutional neuronal networks.
- keras-attention-mechanism - A many-to-one attention mechanism implementation in Keras.
- Keras-GAN - A Keras implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks.
- Mask_RCNN - An implementation of Mask R-CNN for object detection and segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow.
- satellite-image-deep-learning - A collection of resources relating to deep learning with satellite & aerial imagery.
- Screenshot-to-code - A neural network that transforms a design mock-up into a static website.
- sketch-code - A Keras model to generate HTML code from hand-drawn website mockups.
- spektral - Graph Neural Networks with Keras and Tensorflow.
- textgenrnn - A library that allows simple training of text-generating neural networks with a few lines of code.
- unet - An implementation of U-Net using Keras.
- cheatsheets-ai - A collection of deep learning/ML cheat sheets for (Keras cheatsheet).
- GitHub - Search: keras
- GitHub - Topics: keras, tensorflow, neural-networks
- Gitter - Keras Gitter Chatroom
- kandi Kits Topic - Discover popular Keras libraries, top authors, trending project kits, discussions, tutorials & learning resources.
- Mailing Lists - Keras users mailing list
- PyPI -
is the PyPI Keras project. - Stack Overflow - Tags: keras