To run the application in the browser with live reload upon change detection run ionic serve
in the project folder.
Please be aware that while developing in the browser on your computer, you cannot use the camera, devicemotion, or QR code scan.
To use these native features, you need to deploy the app natively on either iOS or Android (see instructions below)
An Android development environment is needed. Instructions for the setup were referenced from Tested on Windows 10.
Required software:
- Android Studio (AVD not needed)
- Android SDK (included in Studio)
- Node.js
- npm (included in Node.js)
- Gradle
- Ionic CLI
npm install -g @ionic/cli
Additional node packages needed:
npm install -g native-run
npm install -g cordova
Install all the required software.
Add the following to the Windows Path environment variable:
- Java SDK, Program Files\jdk-xxxx\bin
- Gradle, gradle-xxx\bin
Clone the repository.
Use this tool to check if the Android device is connected:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools\adb devices
Run ionic cordova run android --device
A debug version of the application will be built and uploaded to the Android device.
To download JDK 8 without an Oracle account, copy the Java SE Development Kit link for your platform from here.
Then extract the part of the link after =nexturl and replace "otn" with "otn-bin" so it looks like the following.
If the building fails because Android SDK licenses are not accepted, there is a work around.
Open Android Studio.
Go to Configure -> SDK Manager.
Install a random package, like Android SDK Command-line Tools.
It will prompt you to accept licenses.
You have to create a folder in