This project is a React application built with TypeScript and Vite. It uses the @vitejs/plugin-react
for Fast Refresh and vite-plugin-svgr
for handling SVGs. The project is set up with ESLint for linting and Prettier for code formatting. The project uses a combination of vitest
and react-testing-library
for testing.
It uses a pre-commit hook with Husky to run type checks, linting, formatting and testing committing. The same jobs in the same order are run on the CI pipeline using Github Actions. When a new release is created, the app will deploy to Github Pages which is a separate workflow.
- Add more tests to increase the coverage over the components
- Add more support for accessibility (I didn't prioritize this because the app is supposed to be used as an internal tool)
- Add some more animations to make the app more interactive
To install the project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate into the project directory:
cd ubiquiti
- Install the dependencies:
yarn install
To run the project in development mode, use the following command:
yarn run dev
To run the tests in watch mode, use the following command:
yarn run test
To run the tests in CI mode, use the following command:
yarn run test:ci