This program prints a multiplication table of primes to STDOUT. By default it will use the first 10 primes but you can give it another number of primes as an argument.
To run:
ruby prime_challenge.rb
To run the tests:
rspec tests/*
Consider complexity. How fast does your code run? How does it scale? Consider cases where we want N primes.
This program is O(n2log(n2)) where n is the number of primes desired for the table.
Generating the primes uses the sieve of Eratosthenes which is O(NlogN) when N is the highest number prime desired. For simplicity we use n2 for N to be sure to always get enough primes. Printing the printing the table is O(n2)
This program has a space complexity of O(n**2). This program scales poorly. If it was desired to be run with large values of n a segmented version of sieve of Eratosthenes would be needed or a more efficient algorithm for generating primes. It also builds up the prime table in memory before printing it. At large scale it would be better to stream the output.