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TypoScript Lint: CGL validation for TypoScript

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Martin Helmich (typo3 at martin-helmich dot de)



This package contains a tool that can parse TYPO3's configuration language, "TypoScript", into an syntax tree and perform static code analysis on the parsed code. typoscript-lint can generate Checkstyle-compatible output and can be used in Continuous Integration environments.


This project started of as a private programming excercise. I was writing an article for the T3N magazine on Continuous Integration for TYPO3 projects, introducing tools like JSHint or CSSLint, and I noticed that no comparable tools exist for TypoScript. So I thought, "What the heck, let's go" and at some point realized that my little programming excercise might actually be useful to someone. So, that's that. Enjoy.

Getting started

Setup (using Composer)

Install typo3-typoscript-lint with Composer:

composer require --dev helmich/typo3-typoscript-lint

Of course, this works best if your TYPO3 project is also Composer-based. If it isn't, you can also install the Linter globally using the composer global command:

composer global require helmich/typo3-typoscript-lint

Setup (using Phive)

Alternatively, you can also install typo3-typoscript-lint with Phive:

phive install martin-helmich/typo3-typoscript-lint

In this case, it will be installed into the ./tools folder of your current directory:

./tools/typoscript-lint path/to/your.typoscript


Call typo3-typoscript-lint as follows:

vendor/bin/typoscript-lint path/to/your.typoscript

By default, it will print a report on the console. To generate a checkstyle-format XML file, call as follows:

vendor/bin/typoscript-lint -f xml -o checkstyle.xml path/to/your.typoscript

To generate a report formatted according to the GNU Coding Standards, call as follows:

vendor/bin/typoscript-lint -f gcc path/to/your.typoscript



Code validation


Certain aspects of code validation are organized into so-called "sniffs" (I borrowed the term from PHP's CodeSniffer project). Currently, there are sniffs for checking the following common mistakes or code-smells in TypoScript:


The indentation level should be increased with each nested statement. In the configuration file, you can define whether you prefer tabs or spaces for indentation.

foo {
    bar = 2
  baz = 5
# ^----------- This will raise a warning!

By default, the indentation sniff expects code inside TypoScript conditions to be not indented. You can change this behaviour by setting the indentConditions flag for the indentation sniff to true in your typoscript-lint.yml configuration file (see below).

Dead code

Code that was commented out just clutters your source code and obstructs readability. Remove it, that's what you have version control for (you do use version control, do you?).

foo {
    bar.baz = 5 = Hello World
#   ^----------- This will raise a warning!


Check that no superflous whitespace float around your operators.

#   v----------- This will raise a warning (one space too much)
foo  {
    bar= 3
#      ^-------- This will also raise a warning (one space too few)

Repeating values

If the same value is assigned to different objects, it might be useful to extract this into a TypoScript constant.

foo {
    bar = Hello World
    baz = Hello World
#         ^----- Time to extract "Hello World" into a constant!

By default, any value with a length of 8 characters or more will trigger a warning if it is repeated more than once. You can configure this threshold by setting the valueLengthThreshold parameter for the RepeatingRValueSniff in your configuration file.

It is also possible to whitelist certain values that are allowed to repeat. You can set those in the allowedRightValues parameter in your configuration file.

Duplicate assignments

Assigning a value to the same object multiple times. Works across nested statements, too.

foo {
    bar = baz
#   ^----------- This statement is useless, because is unconditionally overwritten!
} = test

The sniff is however smart enough to detect conditional overwrites. So the following code will not raise a warning:

foo {
    bar = baz

[globalString = ENV:foo = bar] = test

Nesting consistency

This sniff checks if nesting assignments are used in a consistent manner. Consider the following example:

foo {
    bar = test1

foo {
    baz = test2

In this case, the two nested statements might very well be merged into one statement.

Consider another example:

foo {
    bar = test1

foo.baz {
    bar = test2

In this case, both statements could be nested in each other.

Empty blocks

Raises warnings about empty assignment blocks:

foo {

Discourage config.no_cache = 1

Raises warning about usage of config.no_cache = 1. Instead USER_INT or COA_INT should be used.


typoscript-lint looks for a file typoscript-lint.yml in the current working directory. If such a file is found, it will be merged with the typoscript-lint.dist.yml from the installation root directory. Have a look at said file for an idea of what you can configure (granted, not much yet):

Note: Previous versions of this tool used the filename tslint.yml for their configuration files. This conflicted with the same-named tool for linting TypeScript, and is thus considered deprecated (although the old file names are still supported).

  • The paths to lint can be set under the paths key:

      - directory/with/typoscript
      - ...

    You can also use the * character to match multiple files or directories:

      - typo3conf/ext/yourprefix_*/Configuration/TypoScript
  • Configure individual sniffs under the sniff key in the configuration file. This key consists of a list of objects, each with a class key and an optional parameters key.

    Since a local configuration file will be merged with the distributed configuration file, you cannot disable sniffs by simply removing them from the local configuration file (see this bug report for more information). To disable a sniff, use the disabled configuration property. For example, to disable the DeadCode sniff:

      - class: DeadCode
        disabled: true
  • Configure file extensions that should be treated as TypoScript files in the filePatterns key. This key may contain a list of glob patterns that inspected files need to match. This is especially relevant when you're running typoscript-lint on entire directory trees:

      - "*.typoscript"
      - "setup.txt"
      - # ...

    If you have certain files you want to explicitly exclude from linting even if they match the filePatterns above, you can specify additional excludePatterns:

      - "*.typoscript"
      - "Constants.typoscript"


Future features

  • Sniffs for more code smells (ideas are welcome)
  • Full test coverage (no, I did not do TDD. Shame on me.)
  • Automated fixing of found errors