This is a Docker Container for the OpenWRT SDK.
Change the docker-compose.yml to point to the Docker image for the target system. If a Docker Image is not already available for the target system, go to sub folder 'Make_docker_images' and create a new Docker Image for the target.
Start the Docker Container with
$ docker-compose up -d
To look for the Container ID and then run a shell as openwrt
user in the SDK container, execute the following command:
$ docker container ls
$ docker exec -it -u openwrt -w /home/openwrt/sdk [docker_container-id] /bin/bash
Own package Makefiles can be copied into the sub folder './mypackages'. They will be available in the Docker Container under /home/openwrt/mypackages and will be available after running the feeds update below.
Then build packages (e.g. php7) as follows:
$ ./scripts/feeds update -a
$ ./scripts/feeds install php7
$ make -j$(nproc * 1.5) package/php7/compile V=s
$ ls -la bin/packages/mips_24kc/packages/php7-cli*
-rw-r--r-- 1 openwrt openwrt 1457137 Sep 19 06:30 bin/packages/mips_24kc/packages/php7-cli_7.1.1-1_mips_24kc.ipk
Built packages will be available in the folder /home/openwrt/sdk/bin and in the host system under the ./packages_built subfolder.
More information on how to use the SDK tool-chain can be found on the OpenWRT wiki.
- Using the SDK OpenWrt Wiki