Node pool | Size | Disk | Image | Replicas | Tags | Price Notes |
ingress-pool |
e2-micro |
10G SSD | COS | 1 | https-server |
Free tier discount + free ip |
default-pool |
e2-small spot |
10G HDD | COS | 1-3 | / | spot discount |
spot-pool |
e2-custom-4-12288 spot |
10G HDD | COS | 0-1 | Taints:spot=true:NoSchedule | spot discount |
- Enable Data Plane V2 b/c cilium
- choose correct VPC
- firewall allow 443 from cloudflare for instance with tag
Expected cost:
: $0.10 for free tier + SSD diskdefault-pool
: ~$5.10 for spot discount + spot ip + SSD diskspot-pool
: $2.00 for spot discount
Extra notes:
- Use 10G SSD for system drive
kubectl apply -f ./Prod/devops-sa.yaml
We need to extract the authentication information for the new Service Account so we can set it up in the Endpoint in Azure DevOps. To do this, first list the secrets in the cluster using the following command
kubectl get secret devops-token -n default -o yaml > sa-secret.yaml
generate new k8s connection on
Via kubeip
gcloud config set project {insert-your-GCP-project-name-here}
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)')
Create kubeIP service account, role and iam policy binding:
gcloud iam service-accounts create kubeip-service-account --display-name "kubeIP"
gcloud iam roles create kubeip --project $PROJECT_ID --file ./ConfigMap/kubeip-iam-roles.yaml
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member serviceAccount:kubeip-service-account@$ --role projects/$PROJECT_ID/roles/kubeip
Get the service account key and stick it in a secret:
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json --iam-account kubeip-service-account@$
kubectl create secret generic kubeip-key --from-file=key.json -n kube-system
Create IP addresses and label them. with kubeip=theresa-wiki-cluster
gcloud beta compute addresses update theresa-wiki-ip --update-labels kubeip=theresa-wiki-cluster --region us-central1
kubectl apply -f ./ConfigMap/kubeip-ConfigMap.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./App/kubeip.yaml
kubectl create secret tls theresa-wiki-tls-secret \
--key \
kubectl apply -k ./ConfigMap/envoy
Create persistent volume
with 200GiB storage -
kubectl apply -f ./Prod/gke-storage-class.yaml
Storage class for the volume -
kubectl apply -f ./Prod/theresa-wiki-pv.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./Storage/theresa-wiki-pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./App/nfs-server.yaml
nfs-folder structure
initiate nfs with folder structure
via ssh
kubectl exec nfs-server-0 -it -- sh
- token
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json --iam-account
kubectl create secret generic gcs-theresa-wiki-k8s-configs --from-file=key.json
kubectl apply -f ./Storage/theresa-wiki-configs-pvc.yaml
- theresa-wiki-configs structure
kubectl apply -f ./App/nfs-config.yaml
- Storages
kubectl apply -f ./Storage/theresa-ak-ab-data.yaml
- ConfigMaps
kubectl apply -f ./ConfigMap/redis-ConfigMap.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./ConfigMap/theresa-go-ConfigMap.yaml
- PriorityClass
kubectl apply -f ./ConfigMap/priority-class.yaml
- Deployments / Cronjob
kubectl apply -f ./App/envoy.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./App/redis.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./App/mitmproxy.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./App/theresa-go.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./App/theresa-frontend.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./App/theresa-ak-ab-sa.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./App/theresa-ak-ab.yaml
Remember to change tag
kubectl set image deployment/my-deployment mycontainer=myimage:latest
Other commands used
kubectl delete cronjobs --all -n default
kubectl delete deployment --all -n default
kubectl delete all --all -n default
kubectl delete pvc --all
kubectl delete pv --all
kubectl apply -f ./Local
kubectl apply -f ./Storage
kubectl apply -f .
kubectl create secret generic gcs-theresa-wiki-k8s-configs --from-file=key.json
use workload identity for service account
kubectl edit configmap --namespace=kube-system kube-dns-autoscaler
turn off preventSinglePointFailure
kubectl edit configmap --namespace=kube-system konnectivity-agent-autoscaler-config
edit laddar config
mkfs.ext4 -b 4096 -i 262144 -m 0 -E lazy_itable_init=0,lazy_journal_init=0,discard -O dir_index,extent,flex_bg /dev/sdb