An elegant requests library for Deno, modelled after axios
Summon provides an elegant, more readable interface to the Deno fetch API for making requests. It's codebase and layout is modelled after axios, but is more lightweight and uses a golang inspired return sytax.
First import the module from
import { summon } from ''
A simple summon GET
request looks like this:
const { response, error } = await summon.get('', { params: {
page: 1,
testparam: true
}}) // get request with custom config
You can also access all requests with their respective lowercase shortcuts
const { res } = await'', { // you can also use shortcuts to response and error (res, err)
title: 'test',
description: 'This is a test description for a new post'
// or
const { res } = await summon.put(...)
const { res } = await summon.delete(...)
const { res } = await summon.patch(...)
const { res } = await summon.options(...)
const { res } = await summon.head(...)
const { res } = await summon.connect(...)
const { res } = await summon.trace(...)
Like axios, summon has it's own API for maximum configuration and readability
const { response, error } = await summon('/test', {
baseURL: '', // the base URL of the request. If this is not undefined, the library will concat the url to the value of this field. In this request, the baseURL and the url will be concated to
method: 'post', // 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete' | 'options' | 'head' | 'connect' | 'trace' | 'patch'
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/xml', // accept only xml response
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
params: {
page: 2 // this will be concated to "?page=2" and added to the request url
validateStatus: (status) => (status >= 200 && status < 210), // validate the returned status. In this example, if the status code is greater than 210, the result gives an error
timeout: 100, // after how many milliseconds should the request timeout. Default is 0
throwErrorOnTimeout: true // weather the library should throw an error on timeout (this will terminate your app, because of the way Deno behaves) Default: false
auth: { username: 'test', password: 'password' }, // submit a base64 encoded auth request
data: { somevalue: true }, // the request body
abortController: // an AbortController object that you can use to cancel/abort your request
You can even put the URL inside the config object
const { res, err } = await summon({
url: '',
You can create an instance of summon with the create()
const INSTANCE = summon.create({ baseURL: '' })
Licensed under the MIT License Contributions are welcome.