Marty Lamb at Martian Software, Inc.
Macnificent is a set of utility classes for working with MAC addresses in Java. In addition to a lightweight MacAddress class and parser, this includes IEEE OUI registry information and a formatter for MAC addresses that displays an abbreviated form of the device's manufacturer's name.
The OuiRegistry class needs a data file at runtime, which it attempts to load from its ClassLoader as a resource with the name macnificent.dat
. This can be created by downloading the raw OUI-48 registry from the IEEE website and executing the following command (see
for more info):
cat oui.txt | mvn -q exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.martiansoftware.macnificent.GenerateDataFile > macnificent.dat
The following main() method is included in the OuiRegistry class provided with this project. It showcases functionality fairly well:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
OuiRegistry reg = new OuiRegistry();
System.out.println("OuiRegistry loaded with " + reg.size() + " entries.");
System.out.println("Enter MAC addresses (one per line) to try it out."); in = new;
String s = in.readLine();
while (s != null) {
MacAddress mac = new MacAddress(s); // can also create from byte[] or NetworkInterface
Oui oui = reg.getOui(mac);
System.out.println(" MAC Address: " + mac);
System.out.println(" isMulticast: " + mac.isMulticast());
System.out.println(" isLocal: " + mac.isLocal());
System.out.println(" Manufacturer: " + (oui == null ? "Unknown" : oui.getManufacturer()));
System.out.println(" Reformatted: " + reg.format(mac));
s = in.readLine();