Cal-it is a recipe search website where users can search for recipes based on mealtype, diet, main ingredient and cooking time. It finds recipes based on user entered criteria and displays them. Using Cal-it, a user will be able to find any recipe based on their specific needs or preparation time in a fast and convenient manner. Everyone can find a recipe that fits their schedule. Additionally the website displays a random quote or advice every 10 seconds to cheer you up!
- Installation
- Features
- Technologies used
- APIs used
- License
- Deployed link
- License
- Future development
- How to Contribute
- Questions
This program can be run through a browser using the link to the deployed application. Alternatively, to run this application locally you will need to:
- Clone this repository to receive all of the files.
- Open the index.html file in your default browser.
- When the user enters the criteria and clicks on 'Search Recipe', all recipes matching the criteria will be displayed as cards containing the recipe name and its image.
- The user can view the recipe by clicking on either the recipe name or image.
- The user can add a recipe to favorites. It will be saved to local storage and can be viewed as saved recipes by clicking on 'Show saved recipes' button.
- The user can view the recipe page of a saved recipe by clicking on the saved recipe name.
- Once a recipe is saved, user has option to remove it from favorites. It will then be removed from favorite list.
- An advice or quote is displayed. The quote changes and a new one gets displayed every 10 seconds.
- The web page is mobile responsive too.
HTML, CSS, bootstrap, JavaScript, Ajax, Responsive design
- Edamam recipe search API:
- Advice slip API:
Cal It is available under the MIT License.
Displaying the nutrient information of a recipe.
Contributions and ideas are welcome. Before submitting an issue, please take a moment to look over the contributing guidelines in . Before submitting pull requests, ensure the following:
Fork the repo and create your branch from develop. Test your code.
For any addditional questions, reach me at