A plugin which binds a properties sourced from different origins
- a public property file (profile-public.properties)
- a private property file (profile-private.properties)
- a system, env variables
The order of precedence is as follows. The public properties are the least important and get overwritten by private ones. The env (set by environment variables) or system ones (provided by -P) overwrite the public or private.
There has to be at least public properties provided others are optional.
Plugin expects a profile name to be provided , possible values 'aws-prod' or 'aws-stage' if none provided or unrecognized one provided a 'aws-stage' is used.
Plugin injects a bound properties into map provided from outside - effectiveProperties.
./gradlew build test
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
Integrates via arbitrary properties('cfProperties') map
dependencies {
classpath group: 'com.hybris.profile', name: 'storks-gradle-plugin', version: '$version'
apply plugin: 'storks'
def cfProperties = [:]
cloudfoundry {
env = cfProperties
task prepareCfProperties(type: ProfilePropertiesTask) {
effectiveProperties cfProperties
cfLogin {
dependsOn 'prepareCfProperties'
cfDeploy {
dependsOn 'prepareCfProperties'
cloudfoundry {
target = 'https://....'
domain = '....'
Integrates via system properties variable
dependencies {
classpath group: 'com.hybris.profile', name: 'storks-gradle-plugin', version: '$version'
apply plugin: 'storks'
task prepareSystemProperties(type: com.hybris.profile.ProfilePropertiesTask) {
effectiveProperties System.properties
task acceptanceTests(type: Test) {
include 'com/hybris/cdm/graph/**/*Spec*'
systemProperties System.getProperties()
jettyEclipseRun {
dependsOn 'prepareSystemProperties'
contextPath = ''
task localAcceptanceTests(type: Test) {
include 'com/hybris/cdm/graph/**/*Spec*'
systemProperties System.getProperties()
dependsOn 'prepareSystemProperties'
dependsOn 'war'
daemon true
Use the 'PropertiesLoader''s 'loadProperties' method point the public, [private] properties files for client side configuration set up.
static Map<String, String> props = PropertiesLoader.loadProperties("/acceptance/aws-prod-test-public.properties")
static def defaultConfig = [
testTenant : props.getOrDefault("TEST_TENANT", "storktest"),
testClient : props.getOrDefault("TEST_CLIENT", "storks.storkstest"),
secureGraphServiceURL : props.getOrDefault("SECURE_GRAPH_URL", getSecureGraphServiceURL()),
pubSubURL : props.getOrDefault("PUB_SUB_URL", "http://XXXXX.stage.internal.YYYY.io"),
pubSubProductNodeChangedEventType: props.getOrDefault("PUBSUB_EVENT_TYPE", "enricherResolutionSegment"),
securedGraphClientName : props.getOrDefault("SECURED_GRAPH_CLIENT_NAME", "hybris.securedgraph"),
dispatcherClientName : props.getOrDefault("DISPATCHER_CLIENT_NAME", "hybris.dispatcher"),
userName : props.getOrDefault("REST_CLIENT_USERNAME", "XXXX")