API to get oil tank from Kingspan SENSiT sensors
To make use of the API, you will need the credentials you used to register with the App. You do not need other details such as the tank ID as these are already associated with your account.
python3 -m pip kingspan-connect-sensor
NOTE from version 2.0.0, the API changes to use attributes rather than methods for tank parameters.
Reading documents:
from connectsensor import SensorClient
client = SensorClient()
client.login("test@example.com", "s3cret")
tanks = client.tanks
tank_level = tanks[0].level
The tanks
method returns a Tanks
object which can be queried for the status of the specific tank.
From version 2.0.0, an asyncio verison of the client is available:
async with AsyncSensorClient() as client:
await client.login("test@example.com", "s3cret")
tanks = await client.tanks
tank_level = await tanks[0].level
tank_capcity = await tanks[0].capacity
tank_percent = 100 * (tank_level / tank_percent)
print(f"Tank is {tank_percent:.1f}% full")
As of version 3.0, history
no longer returns a Pandas dataframe to simplify packge dependencies. Instead, an list of dicts is returned, where each list element is a sample from the web API, sorted by logging time. There should be one record per day. Each dict has the following keys:
: a datetime object indicating the time a measurement was madelevel_percent
: integer percentage fulllevel_litres
: number of lites in the tank
You can construct a Pandas dataframe simply using:
tanks = await client.tanks
history = await tanks[0].history
df = pd.DataFrame(history)
Reporting on the current status of the tank using kingspan-status
% kingspan-status --username=test@example.com --password=s3cret
Home Tank:
Capacity = 2000
Serial Number = 20001999
Model = Unknown
Level = 90% (1148 litres)
Last Read = 2021-10-09 00:42:47.947000
Reading date %Full Litres
30-Jan-2021 00:29 94 1224
31-Jan-2021 00:59 80 1040
01-Feb-2021 00:29 78 1008
02-Feb-2021 00:59 76 986
can be used to check the status of a tabk and report via email when the tank is likely to run out of oil. As of version 3.0, pandas is no longer installed as a dependency so you must pip install pandas
manually to use kingspan-notifier
% kingspan-notifier --config kingspan.ini
Current level 1148 litres
No notification; 196 days oil remain
Command line options include:
--config CONFIG
: a config file in ini-format--no-update
: don't update cache with new data (defaults to updating the DB cache)--window WINDOW
: the number of days history to consider (default: 14 days)--notice NOTICE
: the number of days before out-of-oil forecast to warn (default: 14)
An example config file is:
The cache is an SQLite database and will be intialised if not present.