created by && animations increased by :
[0] git clone
[1] cd MasihSelf && pip install -r requirements.txt
[2] Open in your favorite text editor.
[3] Look for the lines that say api_id and api_hash.
[4] Replace the placeholders with your actual API key and hash, obtained from [].
[5] If you use a proxy, look for the lines that say proxy_addr, proxy_port, proxy_username, and proxy_password and replace the placeholders with your actual proxy configuration.
[6] Save and close the file.
[7] Run python3 to start the bot.
[8] Type your phone number when prompted (e.g., +98912345678).
[9] Type the verification code you receive from Telegram.
[10] Rerun python3 to restart the bot with your updated configuration.
[11] If you edit the codes and plugins, send Reload in any chat to reload the bot.
[12] Send help and use the bot.