This small library can scale any size according to other size with multiple scale policies.
Useful for image, canvas, canvas elements or any other things that needs to use some resizing|scaling behavior depending on it's container size.
If policy is not specified then no scale is applied.
- ExactFit - Fill the container size. Aspect ratio not preserved. No Borders. Can't Crop.
- NoBorder - Fill the container size. Aspect ratio preserved. No Borders. Can Crop.
- FullHeight - Fill the container height. Aspect ratio preserved. Vertical Borders. Can Crop.
- FullWidth - Fill the container width. Aspect ratio preserved. Horizontal Borders. Can Crop.
- ShowAll - Fill the container width or height. Aspect ratio preserved. Vertical or Horizontal Borders. Can't Crop.
npm i adaptive-scale
Browser version.
Available as a global variable AS.
Example: AS.POLICY, AS.Size, AS.getScaledRect
<script src=""></script>
// TypeScript
// import {POLICY, Size, getScaledRect} from 'adaptive-scale';
// CommonJS
// import {POLICY, Size, getScaledRect} from 'adaptive-scale/lib';
// ES6
import {POLICY, Size, getScaledRect} from 'adaptive-scale/lib-esm';
let image = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 100,
height: 100,
// original size
let originalWidth = image.width;
let originalHeight = image.height;
// scale options
let options = {
// window, canvas or any other thing
container: new Size(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight),
// some dependent size. image, figure etc.
target: new Size(originalWidth, originalHeight),
// policy is optional. default is null
policy: POLICY.ShowAll, // null | ExactFit | NoBorder | FullHeight | FullWidth | ShowAll
// calculate new rectangle
let rect = getScaledRect(options);
// apply calculated rectangle
// horizontal center inside a window
image.x = rect.x;
// vertical center inside a window
image.y = rect.y;
// new scaled width
image.width = rect.width;
// new scaled height
image.height = rect.height;
For demo look at the examples directory.