- account
- menus
- DoctorMenuC
- MenuC
- PatientMenuC
- settings
- AccSettingsC
- DocAccSettingsC
- PatientAccSettingsC
- menus
- entry
- LoginC
- RegisterC
- other
- PasswordResetC
- RequestHelpC
- user
- DoctorMisc
- PatientMisc
- UserMisc
- utility
- security
- BCrypt
- SecurityMisc
- FileMisc
- NodeMisc
- TextMisc
- ViewMisc
- security
- combobox
- AccSettings
- LogOut
- Menu
- Option
- date
- Date
- month
- other
- PatientProblem
- ProblemTypes
- roles
- Doctor
- Patient
- Person
- RenogareSoft-Regular.ttf (font)
- theme.css
- users.json
- LogoSVG.fxml
- edit
- icon
- Logo
- account
- menus
- doctorMenuView
- patientMenuView
- settings
- docAccSettingsView
- patientAccSettingsView
- menus
- entry
- loginView
- registerView
- other
- passwordResetView
- requestHelpView
- go to project folder
mvnw clean install
- go to "target" folder
java -jar Meds-jar-with-dependencies.jar