A parser and compiler for a small EXCEL like expression language inside your .NET applications.
Mastersign.Expression is a small DSL (domain specific language) – a little like the MS EXCEL formular language. Its purpose is to provide a simple expression language with a set of predefined functions for math and string manipulation. Expressions are parsed via a parser, based on the Sprache parser framework, and compiled via System.Linq.Expressions into a lambda delegate, and can therefore, used repeatedly with acceptable performance.
Eine deutsche Version der Projektbeschreibung befindet sich auf der Mastersign-Homepage (A german version of the project description can be found on the homepage of mastersign): https://www.mastersign.de/expressions
See the docs for more usage examples and reference documentation.
dotnet add package Mastersign.Expressions
Mastersign.Expression supports numeric, boolean and string literals, operators for numeric operations, string concatenation, logical combination and comparison. Grouping is done with parantheses. Function calls have a C-style-syntax. Functions, variables, constants, and parameters are provided via an evaluation context, which can be easily extended by the developer.
It comes with a set of predefined functions for math, string manipulation and regular expressions. For detailed description, see Packages.
The evaluation context can be configured to ignore the case of operator keywords, literal keywords, variables, parameters, and function names. The quote style for strings can be configured too.
1 + 2
pi * (100f + 32.0/a)
"\tName: " & name
"result = " & (sin(pi * 2.0 + x) / 10)
For a detailed description of the expression language syntax see Expression Syntax.
using System;
using Mastersign.Expressions;
static class Program
static void Main()
// create the evaluation context for the expression
var context = new EvaluationContext();
// set language options
context.Options = LanguageOptions.Create(ignoreCase: true);
// load the default packages with functions and constants (math, string, ...)
// add a custom variable
context.SetVariable("x", 4);
// add a custom function
context.AddFunction<double, double>("neg", v => -v);
// set parameter list
context.SetParameters(new ParameterInfo("a", typeof(int)));
// compile the expression into a lamda delegate
var fun = context.CompileExpression<int, double>("SIN(PI * NEG(10 + x)) + a");
// call the delegate and write the result to the console
For more examples see Examples.
Generation of a gray-scale bitmap with an expression:
Error reporting during parsing and compilation:
This project is published under the MIT license.
Copyright © by Tobias Kiertscher dev@mastersign.de