This is my github pages project.
I will try some web frontend stuff here.
The name wooden-web comes from the first idea i had: building a webgl application which shows a forest.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
To learn reactjs I started with this tutorial:
That's why you can still find the TicTacToe game inside my page.
The Tutorial came with some differences because i use typescript integration and linting.
I was able to learn even more than the tutorial, because i was challenged with types in react from beginning on which helped me to understand the framework.
I want to try some WebGL with custom shader configurations.
As Scenario i choose a forest because i think there are a lot of things you can render inside.
Later I will use Phong reflection model in this shaders.
docker run --rm -ti -u="node" -w="/home/node/ww" -v %cd%:/home/node/ww -p 3000:3000 node /bin/bash
Change %cd% with $(pwd) in Linux