This project uses pnpm with workspaces. So pnpm should be installed.
This project has been generated from with a $ pnpm create vite
command and selecting the vanilla-ts project.
Materialize has been added as a git submodule in packages folder and then defined as a pnpm workspace, to use it as a monorepo.
Typescript has been configured to treat all projects in /packages folder as typescript packages.
head, navbar and footer in all html pages has been defined using vite-plugin-handlebars.
git clone
cd materialize-docs
git submodule init
git submodule update
pnpm install
pnpm dev
This is a very convenient way to work in materialize or docs because all changes in both projects are inmediately displayed in the browser.
Also browser debugging displays the files exactly as they are in the source.
Note: when a new page is selected it takes some time to render completely the page. This not happens in the build version.
pnpm build
pnpm preview
- Execute the release process in the core package incl. releasing on npm
- Update versions in getting-started.html, partials/navbar.html
- Run docs locally and check manually
- Make commit to dev (message: "chore: release 2.X.X")
- Make PR in GitHub from dev -> main
- Merge the PR
- Party and spread the news via social media channels 🎉