Expose a Braiins OS miner as a heater in Home-Assistant using hvac MQTT
Warning: You will need to have an independent/third paty temperature sensor as there are no temperature sensor reflecting room temperature inside the AntMiner
To install, on the antminer, after installing BraiinsOS
# sh -c "$(wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matfra/bos_heater_mqtt/main/install.sh -O -)"
First, we will need to make sure that you have a temperature sensor that is published on your MQTT server. There is a trick, you can publish any already existing temperature sensor to MQTT using home assistant itself.
Example of automation.yaml file to do just that:
- alias: publish_ble_temperature_livingroom
- platform: time_pattern
seconds: "/20"
service: mqtt.publish
data: {"payload": "{{ states('sensor.ble_temperature_livingroom') }}", "topic": "sensors/ble_temperature_livingroom", "qos": 0, "retain": 0}
- platform: mqtt
name: ant-sofa-window
- off
- heat
- high
- normal
- low
- auto
mode_command_topic: "bos_heater/ant-sofa-window/mode/set"
mode_state_topic: "bos_heater/ant-sofa-window/mode/state"
fan_mode_command_topic: "bos_heater/ant-sofa-window/fan/set"
fan_mode_state_topic: "bos_heater/ant-sofa-window/fan/state"
- platform: generic_thermostat
name: living room miner
heater: climate.ant-sofa-window
target_sensor: sensor.ble_temperature_livingroom
min_temp: 16
max_temp: 23
target_temp: 20
cold_tolerance: 0.5
hot_tolerance: 0.5
ac_mode: false
minutes: 15
precision: 0.1
away_temp: 12