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DEI Cluster: how to Slurm and Singularity containers for Python Machine Learning jobs

This document describes how to use Slurm and Singularity containers in the DEI cluster. For additional information refer to the DEI cluster documentation. Slurm is a job scheduler widely used in HPC (High Performance Compute) clusters. Singularity/Apptainer is a container system that allows to run applications in a controllable and reproducible way.

This small guide will focus on running a python program in a Singularity container using Slurm, using the pytorch framework as a notable example.

High-level overview

The idea is to create a singularity container with the necessary dependencies (like pytorch, numpy, matplotlib, etc). Then, we will use this container to run a python script in the cluster. The script will be submitted to the Slurm scheduler.

Step 1: Create the Singularity/Apptainer container

There are many ways to create a Singularity container, pls refer to the Apptainer documentation and the Singularity documentation for more information.

The easiest (and most compatible across os) way is to create the container on the cluster itself.

  1. Connect to the DEI cluster using SSH. In a terminal, type:

    ssh <username>

    and enter your password.

    You should be in the login node [<username>@login ~]$. Typing ls should show your home directory.

  2. Create an interactive session on a compute node by typing:


    You should be in a compute node <username>@runnersomething:~ $.

    Don't abuse interactive sessions, they are meant for testing and debugging. Not for running long jobs.

  3. Clone this repository and cd into it:

    git clone
    cd slurm_singularity_cluster
  4. Look and modify the mydefinition.def file to suit your needs (with nano mydefinition.def for example). The file contains the instructions to build the container. You can add more dependencies, change the base docker image, etc.


    Bootstrap: docker # Use the docker bootstrapper to load a docker image
    From: pytorch/pytorch # Use the pytorch/pytorch image as the base image
    %post # Optional: after the base image is installed run the following commands
        apt -y update # Update the package list
        pip install matplotlib # Install a python package
    %runscript #Optional: the command to run when the container is started
        python --version # Print the python version
        python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)" # Print the pytorch version

    The mydefinition.def file will create a singularity container based on the official pytorch docker image (for more base images refer to the docker hub). It will install the matplotlib python package. It will also print the python and pytorch versions.

    If you already know all the necessary dependencies, you can put them in the .def file. Otherwise, you can install them later by running commands in the container.

    Here you can find more information on how to create a container from scratch and what the %post and %runscript sections do.

  5. Build the container:

    singularity build --sandbox mycontainer.sif mydefinition.def

    The mycontainer.sif file is the container itself, the name can be whatever you want. The mydefinition.def is the path to the .def file. The --sandbox flag is used to create a writable container, so you can shell into it and install more packages if needed. If you don't need to install more packages, you can remove the --sandbox flag.

    This command will take a while to run (and may appear stuck, but it isn't), depending on the internet connection and the packages.

  6. Optional: log into the container and install more packages:

    singularity shell --writable mycontainer.sif

    You should be in the container shell (Apptainer>). You can install more packages, test your script, etc. When you are done, type exit to exit the container.

  7. Exit the interactive session, failing in doing so will make the IT gods angry (DEI):


Step 2: Create a Slurm job file

This section will show you how to create a Slurm job file and submit it to the scheduler. An example job file is provided in this repository ( This is the file we will request the scheduler to run.

For a more detailed explanation of the Slurm scheduler and job examples, refer to the Using Slurm and Slurm Job Examples sections of the DEI cluster documentation.

To run a python script in the cluster, you need to create a Slurm job file like the following:

#SBATCH --job-name=my_first_job
#SBATCH --error=output.%j.err
#SBATCH --output=output.%j.out
#SBATCH --partition=allgroups
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --mem=1G
#SBATCH --time=00:02:00
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:a40:1
cd $HOME/slurm_singularity_cluster
echo "Starting job"
srun singularity exec --nv mycontainer.sif python
echo "Job finished"

The file will run the python script in the mycontainer.sif container.

The #SBATCH lines are the Slurm directives. They specify the job name, the error and output files, the partition, the number of tasks, the memory, the time, and the number of GPUs. You can change these values to suit your needs.

The srun singularity exec --nv mycontainer.sif python line runs the python script in the mycontainer.sif container. The --nv flag is used to enable GPU support. You can remove this flag if you don't need GPU support.

Step 3: Submit the job to the scheduler

To submit the job to the scheduler, type:

cd slurm_singularity_cluster

To check the status of the job, type:

squeue -u <username>

To check the output of the job, type:

cat output.<job_id>.out

For more information on how to monitor and manage your jobs, refer to the Using Slurm section of the DEI cluster documentation.

Bonus 1: ssh without password on linux/mac

If you are tired of typing your password every time you connect to the cluster, you can set up an SSH key pair. This will allow you to connect to the cluster without typing your password.

To set up an SSH key pair, on your local machine (linux or mac) type:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Press enter to accept the default file location and enter a passphrase (or press enter to skip it).

To copy the public key to the cluster, type:

ssh-copy-id <username>

Enter your password when prompted.

Now you can connect to the cluster without typing your password:

ssh <username>

Bonus 2: using tensorboard

If you want to use tensorboard to visualize your training stats while the job is running, the best way I found is to synchronize the tensorboard logs with a local directory. This way you can run the tensorboard server on your local machine and visualize the logs in real-time. You can do this by running the script in this repository on your local machine.

You need to have both rsync and tensorboard installed on your local machine.

Bonus 1 is highly recommended to avoid typing your password every time you sync the logs.


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