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closed balls
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authored by Théo Vignon

wip closure closed_ball

wip closure closed_ball




wip closedball



wip closure closed_ball

closure_closed_ball, TODO PR

clean; review by @pi8027
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mkerjean committed Oct 12, 2020
1 parent 10128cb commit 1426bd8
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Showing 2 changed files with 123 additions and 59 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
- in `normedtype.v`:
+ lemma `closed_ereal_le_ereal`
+ lemma `closed_ereal_ge_ereal`

+ section "LinearContinuousBounded"
+ section "Closed_ball"

### Changed

- in `classical_sets.v`:
Expand Down
178 changes: 120 additions & 58 deletions theories/normedtype.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4247,7 +4247,14 @@ Qed.
Definition bounded_fun_norm (f: V -> W) := forall r, exists M,
forall x, (`|x| <= r) -> (`|(f x)| <= M).

Lemma bounded_funP (f : {linear V -> W}) : bounded_fun_norm f <-> bounded_on f (nbhs (0:V)).
Definition pointwise_bounded (F: (V -> W) -> Prop) := forall x, exists M,
forall f , F f -> (`|f x| <= M)%O.

Definition uniform_bounded (F: (V -> W) -> Prop) := forall r, exists M,
forall f, F f -> forall x, (`|x| <= r) -> (`|f x| <= M)%O.

Lemma bounded_funP (f : {linear V -> W}):
bounded_fun_norm f <-> bounded_on f (nbhs (0:V)).
- move => /(_ 1) [M Bf]; apply /linear_boundedP.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4277,55 +4284,145 @@ split.
by apply: ler_pmul; rewrite ?normr_ge0 //=.

(* Lemma bounded_landau (f :{linear V->W}) : *)
(* bounded_fun_norm f <-> ((f : V -> W) =O_ (0:V) cst (1 : K^o)). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* split. *)
(* - rewrite eqOP => bf. *)
(* move: (bf 1) => [M bm]. *)
(* rewrite !nearE /=; exists M; split. by apply : num_real. *)
(* move => x Mx; rewrite nearE nbhs_normP /=. *)
(* exists 1; first by []. *)
(* move => y /=. rewrite -ball_normE /ball_ sub0r normrN /cst normr1 mulr1 => y1. *)
(* apply: (@le_trans _ _ M _ _). *)
(* apply: (bm y); by apply: ltW. *)
(* by apply: ltW. *)
(* - rewrite eqOP /= ; move => Bf; apply/bounded_funP; rewrite /bounded_on. *)
(* near=>M. *)
(* set P := (X in (nbhs _ X)). *)
(* have -> : P = (fun x : V => (`|f x| <= M * `|cst 1%R x|)%O). *)
(* by apply: funext => x; rewrite /cst normr1 mulr1. *)
(* by near: M. *)
(* Grab Existential Variables. all: end_near. Qed. *)

End LinearContinuousBounded.

Section Closed_Ball.

Lemma closureS (T : topologicalType) (A B: set T):
(A `<=` B) -> (closure A `<=` closure B).
move => AB x CAx C Cx.
by move: (CAx C Cx) => [z [Az Cz]]; exists z; split; first by apply: AB.

(* not obvious when one doesn't know that closed is defined from closure *)
Lemma closure_id (T : topologicalType) (A : set T): closed A <-> A = closure A.
split; last by move=> -> ; apply: closed_closure.
by move => CA; apply: eqEsubset; first by apply: subset_closure.

Lemma closureI (T : topologicalType) ( A : set T) :
closure A = \bigcap_(B in [ set B : set T | ( A `<=` B)/\ closed B]) B.
apply: eqEsubset => x Ax.
- by rewrite /closed; move => B [AB CB]; apply: CB; apply: closureS; first by apply: AB.
- apply: (Ax (closure A)); split; first by apply: subset_closure.
by apply: closed_closure.
(* TBA to topology.v *)

Definition closed_ball_ (R: numDomainType) (V: zmodType) (norm: V -> R) (x: V) (e : R) :=
[set y | (norm (x- y) <=e)%O ].

Lemma closed_closed_ball (R: realFieldType) (V: normedModType R) (x : V) (e : R) :
Lemma closed_closed_ball_ (R: realFieldType) (V: normedModType R) (x : V) (e : R) :
closed (closed_ball_ normr x e).
pose f := fun y => normr (x - y).
have -> : closed_ball_ normr x e = f @^-1` [set x | (x<= e)%O] by [].
apply: (@closed_comp _ _ (f : V -> R^o)).
move => y Hy; apply: (@continuous_comp _ _ _ (fun y : V => (x-y))).
move => y Hy; apply: (@continuous_comp _ _ _ (fun y : V => (x-y))).
by apply: continuousB ; first by apply: cst_continuous.
by apply : norm_continuous.
by apply: closed_le.

Definition closed_ball (R: numDomainType) (V: pseudoMetricType R) (x: V) (e : R) :=
closure (ball x e).
closure (ball x e).

Lemma closed_ballxx (R: numDomainType) (V: pseudoMetricType R) (x: V) (e : R):
(0 < e) -> closed_ball x e x.
by move => e0; apply: subset_closure; apply: ballxx.

Lemma normrxx (R : numFieldType) (V: normedModType R) (x : V):
(x != 0) -> `| `| x|^-1 *: x | = 1.
move => x0; rewrite normmZ normrV ?unitf_gt0 ?normr_gt0 //=.
by rewrite normrE mulrC mulrV ?unitf_gt0 ?normr_gt0 //=.

(*used a lot *)

Lemma closure_closed_ball (R: realFieldType) (V: normedModType R):
forall (x: V) (e : R), closed_ball x e = closed_ball_ normr x e.
move=> x e ; apply: eqEsubset =>y.
- rewrite /closed_ball closureI //= => CB.
forall (x: V) (e : R), (0<e) -> closed_ball x e = closed_ball_ normr x e.
move=> x e e0; apply: eqEsubset =>y.
rewrite /closed_ball closureI //= => CB.
apply: (CB (closed_ball_ normr x e)); split.
by move => z; rewrite -ball_normE /closed_ball_ //=; apply: ltW.
by apply: closed_closed_ball.
- rewrite /closed_ball /closed_ball_ /= closureI.
move => xye B [Be Bc].
pose f := fun y => `|x - y|.
have lem: continuous ( f : V -> R^o).
have -> : f = normr \o ( fun y => x -y ) by [].
move => z; apply: continuous_comp.
by apply: continuousB; first apply: continuous_cst.
by apply: norm_continuous.
have : \forall z \near (nbhs y), f z <= e.
near=> z. admit.
have : lim ( (f : V -> R^o) @ y) <= e. admit. (* closed_cvg_loc *)
by apply: closed_closed_ball_.
case: (@eqP V x y); first by move => -> _; apply: closed_ballxx.
move => xy; rewrite /closed_ball /closed_ball_ /= closureI /closed /closure.
rewrite le_eqVlt; case/predU1P; last first.
by rewrite -ball_normE => xye B0 [/(_ y xye) B0B _].
rewrite -ball_normE // => xye B [Be Bc].
apply: Bc => B0 /nbhs_ballP [s s0]; rewrite -ball_normE //= => B0y.
case: (leP s e); last first.
exists x; split; first by apply: Be; rewrite ball_normE; apply: ballxx.
apply: B0y; apply (@le_lt_trans _ _ e _ s); last by [].
by rewrite -normrN opprD addrC opprK xye.
pose r := 2^-1 * s ; simpl in (type of r).
exists (y + (r *: (`|x-y|^-1 *: (x -y)))); split; last first.
apply: B0y; move=> //=.
rewrite opprD addrA addrN add0r normrN normmZ normrxx.
rewrite mulr1 /r normrM gtr0_norm //=.
rewrite gtr0_norm //=; rewrite gtr_pmull //= invf_lt1 //=.
by rewrite ltr_addl ltr01.
by move/eqP: xy; apply: contra; rewrite subr_eq0.
apply: Be; move => //=.
rewrite opprD addrA.
have {1}-> : (x - y) = (1 *: (x - y)) by rewrite scale1r.
rewrite scalerA -scalerBl.
have -> : (1 - r / `|x - y|) = ((`|x - y| -r) / `|x - y|).
rewrite -(@mulfV _ `|x - y|); first by rewrite mulrBl.
by move/eqP: xy; apply contra; rewrite normr_eq0 subr_eq0.
rewrite -scalerA normmZ normrxx /r; last first.
by move/eqP: xy; apply: contra; rewrite subr_eq0.
rewrite mulr1 gtr0_norm -[X in _ < X]subr0.
apply: ler_lt_sub; first by rewrite xye.
rewrite mulr_gt0 //= ?invf_lt1.
rewrite !subr0 subr_gt0.
apply: (@le_lt_trans _ _ (2^-1 * e)).
by apply: ler_pmul=> //=; rewrite ?ltW.
rewrite -xye gtr_pmull // ?normr_gt0 ?invf_lt1 //=.
by rewrite ltr_addl ltr01.
by move/eqP: xy; apply: contra; rewrite subr_eq0.


Lemma closed_closed_ball (R: realFieldType) (V: normedModType R) (x : V) (e : R) :
closed (closed_ball x e).
by rewrite closure_closed_ball; apply: closed_closed_ball_.

Lemma closed_ballxx (R: numDomainType) (V: pseudoMetricType R) (x : V) (r : R) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4354,8 +4451,6 @@ Admitted.

Lemma closed_neigh_ball (R: realFieldType) (V: normedModType R) (x : V) (r : {posnum R}) :
open_nbhs x (closed_ball x r%:num)^°.
Expand All @@ -4367,37 +4462,4 @@ split.

End Closed_Ball.

(* Variable (R: : realFieldType) (U : NormedModType R). *)

(* Lemma neighBall (y : U) (A : set U) : *)
(* open_nbhs y A -> exists (r : {posnum K}), ball y r%:num `<=` A. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* by move=> /open_nbhs_nbhs /(@nbhs_ballP _ _ y A) /exists2P [r [supr prop]]; exists (PosNum supr). *)
(* Qed. *)

(* Lemma closeNeigh_ball (U : completeNormedModType K) (y : U) (A : set U) : *)
(* open_nbhs y A -> exists (r : {posnum K}), close_ball y r%:num `<=` A. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* move=> H. *)
(* have [r Hr] : (exists r : {posnum K}, ball y r%:num `<=` A). *)
(* by apply: neighBall. *)
(* have Hrr : r%:num / 2 > 0. *)
(* by []. *)
(* exists (PosNum Hrr). *)
(* apply (@subset_trans _ (ball y r%:num) _ _). *)
(* rewrite -?ball_normE; move=> a Ha; *)
(* apply (@le_lt_trans _ _ (PosNum Hrr)%:num (`| y - a|) r%:num); rewrite ?(@ltr_pdivr_mulr _ 2 r%:num r%:num); *)
(* by rewrite -?(@ltr_pdivr_mull _ r%:num 2 r%:num) //= mulrC mulfV ?ltr1n. *)
(* by []. *)
(* Qed. *)

(* End Close_Ball. *)

End Closed_Ball.

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