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affeldt-aist committed May 25, 2020
1 parent 600024b commit 31f83c2
Showing 1 changed file with 26 additions and 29 deletions.
55 changes: 26 additions & 29 deletions theories/sequences.v
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Expand Up @@ -347,56 +347,55 @@ Section sequences_R_lemmas.
Variable R : realType.

Lemma cvg_has_ub (u_ : R^o ^nat) :
cvg u_ -> has_ub (mem [set `|u_ n| | n in setT]).
cvg u_ -> has_ub [set `|u_ n| | n in setT].
move=> /cvg_seq_bounded/pinfty_ex_gt0[M M_gt0 /= uM]; apply/has_ubP/nonemptyP.
by exists M; apply/ubP => x; rewrite inE => -[n _ <-{x}]; exact: uM.
move=> /cvg_seq_bounded/pinfty_ex_gt0[M M_gt0 /= uM].
by exists M; apply/ubP => x -[n _ <-{x}]; exact: uM.

(* TODO: move *)
Lemma has_ub_image_norm (S : set R) :
has_ub (mem (normr @` S)) -> has_ub (mem S).
Lemma has_ub_image_norm (S : set R) : has_ub (normr @` S) -> has_ub S.
case/has_ubP => M /ubP uM; apply/has_ubP; exists `|M|; apply/ubP => r.
rewrite !inE => rS.
case => M /ubP uM; exists `|M|; apply/ubP => r rS.
rewrite (le_trans (real_ler_norm _)) ?num_real //.
rewrite (le_trans (uM _ _)) ?real_ler_norm ?num_real //.
by rewrite !inE; exists r.
by exists r.

Lemma cvg_has_sup (u_ : R^o ^nat) : cvg u_ -> has_sup (mem (u_ @` setT)).
Lemma cvg_has_sup (u_ : R^o ^nat) : cvg u_ -> has_sup (u_ @` setT).
move/cvg_has_ub; rewrite -/(_ @` _) -(image_comp u_ normr setT).
move=> /has_ub_image_norm uM; apply/has_supP; split => //.
by exists (u_ 0%N); rewrite !inE; exists 0%N.
move=> /has_ub_image_norm uM; split => //.
by exists (u_ 0%N), 0%N.

Lemma cvg_has_inf (u_ : R^o ^nat) : cvg u_ -> has_inf (mem (u_ @` setT)).
Lemma cvg_has_inf (u_ : R^o ^nat) : cvg u_ -> has_inf (u_ @` setT).
move/is_cvgN/cvg_has_sup; rewrite has_inf_supN; apply eq_has_sup => r /=.
rewrite !inE; apply/asbool_equiv_eq; split => /=.
by case=> n _ <- /= ; rewrite opprK; exists n.
by case=> n _ /eqP; rewrite -eqr_oppLR => /eqP <-; exists n.
move/is_cvgN/cvg_has_sup; rewrite has_inf_supN.
suff -> : (- u_) @` setT = -%R @` (u_ @` setT) by [].
rewrite predeqE => x; split.
by case=> n _ <-; exists (u_ n) => //; exists n.
by case=> y [] n _ <- <-; exists n.

Lemma nondecreasing_cvg (u_ : (R^o) ^nat) (M : R) :
nondecreasing_seq u_ -> (forall n, u_ n <= M) ->
u_ --> (sup (mem (u_ @` setT)) : R^o).
u_ --> (sup (u_ @` setT) : R^o).
move=> u_nd u_M; set S := mem _; set M0 := sup S.
move=> u_nd u_M; set S := _ @` _; set M0 := sup S.
have supS : has_sup S.
apply/has_supP; split; first by exists (u_ 0%N); rewrite in_setE; exists 0%N.
by exists M; apply/ubP => x; rewrite in_setE => -[n _ <-{x}].
split; first by exists (u_ 0%N), 0%N.
by exists M; apply/ubP => x -[n _ <-{x}].
apply: cvg_distW => _/posnumP[e]; rewrite near_map.
have [p /andP[M0u_p u_pM0]] : exists p, M0 - e%:num <= u_ p <= M0.
have [x] := sup_adherent supS (posnum_gt0 e).
rewrite in_setE => -[p _] <-{x} => /ltW M0u_p.
exists p; rewrite M0u_p /=; apply/sup_upper_bound => //.
by rewrite in_setE; exists p.
move=> -[p _] <-{x} => /ltW M0u_p.
exists p; rewrite M0u_p /=; have /ubP := sup_upper_bound supS.
by apply; exists p.
near=> n; have pn : (p <= n)%N by near: n; apply: locally_infty_ge.
rewrite distrC ler_norml ler_sub_addl (ler_trans M0u_p (u_nd _ _ pn)) /=.
rewrite ler_subl_addr (@le_trans _ _ M0) ?ler_addr //.
by apply/sup_upper_bound => //; rewrite in_setE; exists n.
by have /ubP := sup_upper_bound supS; apply; exists n.
Grab Existential Variables. all: end_near. Qed.

Lemma nondecreasing_is_cvg (u_ : (R^o) ^nat) (M : R) :
Expand All @@ -417,13 +416,11 @@ Qed.

Lemma nonincreasing_cvg (u_ : (R^o) ^nat) (m : R) :
nonincreasing_seq u_ -> (forall n, m <= u_ n) ->
u_ --> (inf (mem (u_ @` setT)) : R^o).
u_ --> (inf (u_ @` setT) : R^o).
rewrite -nondecreasing_opp => /(@nondecreasing_cvg _ (- m)) u_sup mu_.
rewrite -[X in X --> _]opprK /inf (@eq_sup _ (mem ((-%R \o u_) @` setT))).
by apply: cvgN; apply u_sup => p; rewrite ler_oppl opprK.
move=> r; rewrite -[in X in _ = X](opprK r); apply asbool_equiv_eq.
by rewrite -(image_inj oppr_inj) image_comp.
rewrite -[X in X --> _]opprK /inf image_comp.
by apply: cvgN; apply u_sup => p; rewrite ler_oppl opprK.

Lemma nonincreasing_is_cvg (u_ : (R^o) ^nat) (m : R) :
Expand Down

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