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express sup with supremum
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- complete documentation of `classical_sets.v`
- documentation of `reals.v`
- proof simplications in `reals.v`
  + `sup_out`, `sup0`, `sup1` now proved as consequences of the definition of `sup` using `supremum`
- minor generalizations
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affeldt-aist committed Jun 8, 2022
1 parent a649cb4 commit 4cc17d8
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Showing 10 changed files with 223 additions and 146 deletions.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -33,17 +33,45 @@
+ lemma `floor_natz`
- in file `topology.v`:
+ definition `frechet_filter`, instances `frechet_properfilter`, and `frechet_properfilter_nat`
- in `Rstruct.v`:
+ lemmas `Rsupremums_neq0`, `Rsup_isLub`, `Rsup_ub`
- in `classical_sets.v`:
+ lemma `supremum_out`
+ definition `isLub`
+ lemma `supremum1`
- in `reals.v`:
+ lemma `opp_set_eq0`, `ubound0`, `lboundT`

### Changed

- in `topology.v`:
+ generalize `cluster_cvgE`, `fam_cvgE`, `ptws_cvg_compact_family`
+ rewrite `equicontinuous` and `pointwise_precompact` to use index
- in `Rstruct.v`:
+ statement of lemma `completeness'`, renamed to `Rcondcomplete`
+ statement of lemma `real_sup_adherent`
- in `ereal.v`:
+ statements of lemmas `ub_ereal_sup_adherent`, `lb_ereal_inf_adherent`
- in `reals.v`:
+ definition `sup`
+ statements of lemmas `sup_adherent`, `inf_adherent`

### Renamed

### Removed

- `has_sup1`, `has_inf1` moved from `reals.v` to `classical_sets.v`
- in `reals.v`:
+ type generalization of `has_supPn`
- in `classical_sets.v`:
+ `supremums_set1` -> `supremums1`
+ `infimums_set1` -> `infimums1`
- in `Rstruct.v`:
+ definition `real_sup`
+ lemma `real_sup_is_lub`, `real_sup_ub`, `real_sup_out`
- in `reals.v`:
+ field `sup` from `mixin_of` in module `Real`

### Infrastructure

### Misc
54 changes: 31 additions & 23 deletions theories/Rstruct.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -375,50 +375,58 @@ Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Require Import reals boolp classical_sets.

Section ssreal_struct_contd.
Implicit Type E : set R.

Lemma is_upper_boundE (E : set R) x : is_upper_bound E x = ((ubound E) x).
Lemma is_upper_boundE E x : is_upper_bound E x = (ubound E) x.
rewrite propeqE; split; [move=> h|move=> /ubP h y Ey; exact/RleP/h].
by apply/ubP => y Ey; apply/RleP/h.

Lemma boundE (E : set R) : bound E = has_ubound E.
Lemma boundE E : bound E = has_ubound E.
Proof. by apply/eq_exists=> x; rewrite is_upper_boundE. Qed.

Lemma completeness' (E : set R) : has_sup E -> {m : R | is_lub E m}.
Proof. by move=> [eE bE]; rewrite -boundE in bE; apply: completeness. Qed.

Definition real_sup (E : set R) : R :=
if pselect (has_sup E) isn't left hsE then 0 else projT1 (completeness' hsE).

Lemma real_sup_is_lub (E : set R) : has_sup E -> is_lub E (real_sup E).
Lemma Rcondcomplete E : has_sup E -> {m | isLub E m}.
by move=> hsE; rewrite /real_sup; case: pselect=> // ?; case: completeness'.
move=> [E0 uE]; have := completeness E; rewrite boundE => /(_ uE E0)[x [E1 E2]].
exists x; split; first by rewrite -is_upper_boundE; apply: E1.
by move=> y; rewrite -is_upper_boundE => /E2/RleP.

Lemma real_sup_ub (E : set R) : has_sup E -> (ubound E) (real_sup E).
Proof. by move=> /real_sup_is_lub []; rewrite is_upper_boundE. Qed.
Lemma Rsupremums_neq0 E : has_sup E -> (supremums E !=set0)%classic.
Proof. by move=> /Rcondcomplete[x [? ?]]; exists x. Qed.

Lemma real_sup_out (E : set R) : ~ has_sup E -> real_sup E = 0.
Proof. by move=> nosup; rewrite /real_sup; case: pselect. Qed.
Lemma Rsup_isLub x0 E : has_sup E -> isLub E (supremum x0 E).
have [-> [/set0P]|E0 hsE] := eqVneq E set0; first by rewrite eqxx.
have [s [Es sE]] := Rcondcomplete hsE.
split => x Ex; first by apply/ge_supremum_Nmem=> //; exact: Rsupremums_neq0.
rewrite /supremum (negbTE E0); case: xgetP => /=.
by move=> _ -> [_ EsE]; apply/EsE.
by have [y Ey /(_ y)] := Rsupremums_neq0 hsE.

(* :TODO: rewrite like this using (a fork of?) Coquelicot *)
(* Lemma real_sup_adherent (E : pred R) : real_sup E \in closure E. *)
Lemma real_sup_adherent (E : set R) (eps : R) :
has_sup E -> 0 < eps -> exists2 e : R, E e & (real_sup E - eps) < e.
Lemma real_sup_adherent x0 E (eps : R) : (0 < eps) ->
has_sup E -> exists2 e, E e & (supremum x0 E - eps) < e.
move=> supE eps_gt0; set m := _ - eps; apply: contrapT=> mNsmall.
have: (ubound E) m.
move=> eps_gt0 supE; set m := _ - eps; apply: contrapT=> mNsmall.
have : (ubound E) m.
apply/ubP => y Ey.
have /negP := mNsmall (ex_intro2 _ _ y Ey _).
by rewrite -leNgt.
have [_ /(_ m)] := real_sup_is_lub supE.
rewrite is_upper_boundE => m_big /m_big /RleP.
by have /negP := mNsmall (ex_intro2 _ _ y Ey _); rewrite -leNgt.
have [_ /(_ m)] := Rsup_isLub x0 supE.
move => m_big /m_big.
by rewrite -subr_ge0 addrC addKr oppr_ge0 leNgt eps_gt0.

Lemma Rsup_ub x0 E : has_sup E -> (ubound E) (supremum x0 E).
by move=> supE x Ex; apply/ge_supremum_Nmem => //; exact: Rsupremums_neq0.

Definition real_realMixin : Real.mixin_of _ :=
RealMixin real_sup_ub real_sup_adherent real_sup_out.
RealMixin (@Rsup_ub (0 : R)) (real_sup_adherent 0).
Canonical real_realType := RealType R real_realMixin.

Implicit Types (x y : R) (m n : nat).
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions theories/altreals/realsum.v
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Expand Up @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ case: (pselect (has_sup E)); last first.
by apply/(lt_le_trans lt_MuK)/mono_u.
move=> supE; exists (sup E)%:E => //; first exact: ltNye.
elim/nbh_finW=>e /= gt0_e.
case: (sup_adherent supE gt0_e)=> x [K ->] lt_uK.
case: (sup_adherent gt0_e supE)=> x [K ->] lt_uK.
exists K=> n le_Kn; rewrite inE distrC ger0_norm ?subr_ge0.
by move/ubP: (sup_upper_bound supE); apply; exists n.
rewrite ltr_subl_addr addrC -ltr_subl_addr.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ apply/eqP; case: (x =P _) => // /eqP /lt_total /orP[]; last first.
by apply/ler_sum=> /= i _; apply/ler_norm.
move=> lt_xS; pose e := psum S - x.
have ge0_e: 0 < e by rewrite subr_gt0.
case: (sup_adherent (summable_sup smS) ge0_e) => y.
case: (sup_adherent ge0_e (summable_sup smS)) => y.
case=> /= J ->; rewrite /e /psum (asboolT smS).
rewrite opprB addrCA subrr addr0 => lt_xSJ.
pose k := \max_(j : J) (val j); have lt_x_uSk: x < u k.+1.
Expand Down
76 changes: 55 additions & 21 deletions theories/classical_sets.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,8 +119,22 @@ Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp.
(* pblock D F x := F (pblock_index D F x) *)
(* *)
(* * Upper and lower bounds: *)
(* ubound, lbound == upper bound and lower bound sets *)
(* supremum x0 E == supremum of E or x0 if E is empty *)
(* ubound A == the set of upper bounds of the set A *)
(* lbound A == the set of lower bounds of the set A *)
(* Predicates to express existence conditions of supremum and infimum of *)
(* sets of real numbers: *)
(* has_ubound A := ubound A != set0 *)
(* has_sup A := A != set0 /\ has_ubound A *)
(* has_lbound A := lbound A != set0 *)
(* has_inf A := A != set0 /\ has_lbound A *)
(* *)
(* isLub A m := m is a least upper bound of the set A *)
(* supremums A := set of supremums of the set A *)
(* supremum x0 A == supremum of A or x0 if A is empty *)
(* infimums A := set of infimums of the set A *)
(* infimum x0 A == infimum of A or x0 if A is empty *)
(* *)
(* F `#` G := the classes of sets F and G intersect *)
(* *)
(* * sections: *)
(* xsection A x == with A : set (T1 * T2) and x : T1 is the *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2575,10 +2589,10 @@ Qed.
Section UpperLowerTheory.
Import Order.TTheory.
Variables (d : unit) (T : porderType d).
Implicit Types A : set T.
Implicit Types (A : set T) (x y z : T).

Definition ubound A : set T := [set z | forall y, A y -> (y <= z)%O].
Definition lbound A : set T := [set z | forall y, A y -> (z <= y)%O].
Definition ubound A : set T := [set y | forall x, A x -> (x <= y)%O].
Definition lbound A : set T := [set y | forall x, A x -> (y <= x)%O].

Lemma ubP A x : (forall y, A y -> (y <= x)%O) <-> ubound A x.
Proof. by []. Qed.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2614,33 +2628,40 @@ Proof. by move=> Ey; apply. Qed.
(* i.e. down A := { x | exists y, y \in A /\ x <= y} *)
Definition down A : set T := [set x | exists y, A y /\ (x <= y)%O].

(* Real set supremum and infimum existence condition. *)
Definition has_ubound A := ubound A !=set0.
Definition has_sup A := A !=set0 /\ has_ubound A.
Definition has_lbound A := lbound A !=set0.
Definition has_inf A := A !=set0 /\ has_lbound A.

Lemma has_ub_set1 x : has_ubound [set x].
Proof. by exists x; rewrite ub_set1. Qed.

Lemma has_inf0 : ~ has_inf (@set0 T).
Proof. by rewrite /has_inf not_andP; left; apply/set0P/negP/negPn. Qed.

Lemma has_sup0 : ~ has_sup (@set0 T).
Proof. by rewrite /has_sup not_andP; left; apply/set0P/negP/negPn. Qed.

Lemma has_sup1 x : has_sup [set x].
Proof. by split; [exists x | exists x => y ->]. Qed.

Lemma has_inf1 x : has_inf [set x].
Proof. by split; [exists x | exists x => y ->]. Qed.

Lemma subset_has_lbound A B : A `<=` B -> has_lbound B -> has_lbound A.
Proof. by move=> AB [l Bl]; exists l => a Aa; apply/Bl/AB. Qed.

Lemma subset_has_ubound A B : A `<=` B -> has_ubound B -> has_ubound A.
Proof. by move=> AB [l Bl]; exists l => a Aa; apply/Bl/AB. Qed.

Lemma has_ub_set1 x : has_ubound [set x].
Proof. by exists x; rewrite ub_set1. Qed.

Lemma downP A x : (exists2 y, A y & (x <= y)%O) <-> down A x.
Proof. by split => [[y Ay xy]|[y [Ay xy]]]; [exists y| exists y]. Qed.

Definition isLub A m := ubound A m /\ forall b, ubound A b -> (m <= b)%O.

Definition supremums A := ubound A `&` lbound (ubound A).

Lemma supremums_set1 x : supremums [set x] = [set x].
Lemma supremums1 x : supremums [set x] = [set x].
rewrite /supremums predeqE => y; split => [[]|->{y}]; last first.
by split; [rewrite ub_set1|exact: lb_ub_refl].
Expand All @@ -2649,19 +2670,32 @@ Qed.

Lemma is_subset1_supremums A : is_subset1 (supremums A).
move=> x y [Ex xE] [Ey yE]; apply/eqP.
by rewrite eq_le (ub_lb_ub Ex yE) (ub_lb_ub Ey xE).
move=> x y [Ax xA] [Ay yA]; apply/eqP.
by rewrite eq_le (ub_lb_ub Ax yA) (ub_lb_ub Ay xA).

Definition supremum (x0 : T) A :=
if A == set0 then x0 else xget x0 (supremums A).
Definition supremum x0 A := if A == set0 then x0 else xget x0 (supremums A).

Definition infimums A := lbound A `&` ubound (lbound A).
Lemma supremum_out x0 A : ~ has_sup A -> supremum x0 A = x0.
move=> hsA; rewrite /supremum; case: ifPn => // /set0P[/= x Ax].
case: xgetP => //= _ -> [uA _]; exfalso.
by apply: hsA; split; [exists x|exists (xget x0 (supremums A))].

Definition infimum (x0 : T) A :=
if A == set0 then x0 else xget x0 (infimums A).
Lemma supremum0 x0 : supremum x0 set0 = x0.
Proof. by rewrite /supremum eqxx. Qed.

Lemma infimums_set1 x : infimums [set x] = [set x].
Lemma supremum1 x0 x : supremum x0 [set x] = x.
rewrite /supremum ifF; last first.
by apply/eqP; rewrite predeqE => /(_ x)[+ _]; apply.
by rewrite supremums1; case: xgetP => // /(_ x) /(_ erefl).

Definition infimums A := lbound A `&` ubound (lbound A).

Lemma infimums1 x : infimums [set x] = [set x].
rewrite /infimums predeqE => y; split => [[]|->{y}]; last first.
by split; [rewrite lb_set1|apply ub_lb_refl].
Expand All @@ -2674,12 +2708,14 @@ move=> x y [Ax xA] [Ay yA]; apply/eqP.
by rewrite eq_le (lb_ub_lb Ax yA) (lb_ub_lb Ay xA).

Definition infimum x0 A := if A == set0 then x0 else xget x0 (infimums A).

End UpperLowerTheory.

Section UpperLowerOrderTheory.
Import Order.TTheory.
Variables (d : unit) (T : orderType d).
Implicit Types A : set T.
Implicit Types (A : set T) (x y z : T).

Lemma ge_supremum_Nmem x0 A t :
supremums A !=set0 -> A t -> (supremum x0 A >= t)%O.
Expand All @@ -2706,8 +2742,6 @@ rewrite -Order.TotalTheory.ltNge => kn.
by rewrite (Order.POrderTheory.le_trans _ (Am _ Ak)).

(** ** Intersection of classes of set *)

Definition meets T (F G : set (set T)) :=
forall A B, F A -> G B -> A `&` B !=set0.

Expand Down
31 changes: 11 additions & 20 deletions theories/ereal.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2828,8 +2828,7 @@ End DualAddTheory.
Section ereal_supremum.
Variable R : realFieldType.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Implicit Types S : set (\bar R).
Implicit Types x y : \bar R.
Implicit Types (S : set (\bar R)) (x y : \bar R).

Lemma ereal_ub_pinfty S : ubound S +oo.
Proof. by apply/ubP=> x _; rewrite leey. Qed.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2860,15 +2859,9 @@ Definition ereal_sup S := supremum -oo S.

Definition ereal_inf S := - ereal_sup (-%E @` S).

Lemma ereal_sup0 : ereal_sup set0 = -oo.
Proof. by rewrite /ereal_sup /supremum eqxx. Qed.
Lemma ereal_sup0 : ereal_sup set0 = -oo. Proof. exact: supremum0. Qed.

Lemma ereal_sup1 x : ereal_sup [set x] = x.
rewrite /ereal_sup /supremum ifF; last first.
by apply/eqP; rewrite predeqE => /(_ x)[+ _]; apply.
by rewrite supremums_set1; case: xgetP => // /(_ x) /(_ erefl).
Lemma ereal_sup1 x : ereal_sup [set x] = x. Proof. exact: supremum1. Qed.

Lemma ereal_inf0 : ereal_inf set0 = +oo.
Proof. by rewrite /ereal_inf image_set0 ereal_sup0. Qed.
Expand All @@ -2888,23 +2881,21 @@ move=> SM; rewrite /ereal_inf lee_oppr; apply ub_ereal_sup => x [y Sy <-{x}].
by rewrite lee_oppl oppeK; apply SM.

Lemma ub_ereal_sup_adherent S (e : {posnum R}) :
ereal_sup S \is a fin_num -> exists x, S x /\ (ereal_sup S - e%:num%:E < x).
Lemma ub_ereal_sup_adherent S (e : R) : (0 < e)%R ->
ereal_sup S \is a fin_num -> exists2 x, S x & (ereal_sup S - e%:E < x).
move=> Sr.
have : ~ ubound S (ereal_sup S - e%:num%:E).
move=> e0 Sr; have : ~ ubound S (ereal_sup S - e%:E).
move/ub_ereal_sup; apply/negP.
by rewrite -ltNge lte_subl_addr // lte_addl // lte_fin.
move/asboolP; rewrite asbool_neg; case/existsp_asboolPn => /= x.
rewrite not_implyE => -[? ?]; exists x; split => //.
by rewrite ltNge; apply/negP.
by rewrite not_implyE => -[? ?]; exists x => //; rewrite ltNge; apply/negP.

Lemma lb_ereal_inf_adherent S (e : {posnum R}) :
ereal_inf S \is a fin_num -> exists x, S x /\ (x < ereal_inf S + e%:num%:E).
Lemma lb_ereal_inf_adherent S (e : R) : (0 < e)%R ->
ereal_inf S \is a fin_num -> exists2 x, S x & (x < ereal_inf S + e%:E).
rewrite [in X in X -> _]/ereal_inf fin_numN => /(ub_ereal_sup_adherent e)[x []].
move=> [y Sy <-]; rewrite -lte_oppr => /lt_le_trans ex; exists y; split => //.
move=> e0; rewrite fin_numN => /(ub_ereal_sup_adherent e0)[x []].
move=> y Sy <-; rewrite -lte_oppr => /lt_le_trans ex; exists y => //.
by apply: ex; rewrite oppeD// oppeK.

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/lebesgue_integral.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@ rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[|] mufoo; last first.
have : \int[mu]_x (f x) \is a fin_num.
by rewrite ge0_fin_numE//; exact: integral_ge0.
rewrite ge0_integralTE// => /ub_ereal_sup_adherent h.
apply: lee_adde => e; have {h}[/= _ [[G Gf <-]]] := h e.
apply: lee_adde => e; have {h} [/= _ [G Gf <-]] := h _ [gt0 of e%:num].
rewrite EFinN lte_subl_addr// => fGe.
have : forall x, cvg (g^~ x) -> (G x <= lim (g ^~ x))%R.
move=> x cg; rewrite -lee_fin -(EFin_lim cg).
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions theories/measure.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2820,9 +2820,8 @@ have [G PG] : {G : ((set T)^nat)^nat & forall n, P n (G n)}.
case: iS infS => [r Sr|Soo|Soo].
- have en1 : (0 < e%:num / (2 ^ n.+1)%:R)%R.
by rewrite divr_gt0 // ltr0n expn_gt0.
have /(lb_ereal_inf_adherent (PosNum en1)) : ereal_inf S \is a fin_num.
by rewrite Sr.
move=> [x [[B [mB AnB muBx]] xS]].
have /(lb_ereal_inf_adherent en1) : ereal_inf S \is a fin_num by rewrite Sr.
move=> [x [B [mB AnB muBx] xS]].
exists B; split => //; rewrite muBx -Sr; apply/ltW.
by rewrite (lt_le_trans xS) // lee_add2l //= lee_fin ler_pmul.
- by have := Aoo n; rewrite /mu_ext Soo.
Expand Down

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