Finds copy_move image_forgery via an expanding block method.
Program based on the algorithm 'An efficient expanding block algorithm for image copy-move forgery detection, by Gavin Lynch, Frank Y. Shih, and Hong-YUan Mark Liao. Published in Information Sciences 239 in 2013.
Blockmaker written by Taylor More
Bugtesting, code revision, and calibration by Taylor More.
Everything else by Efron Licht.
Special thanks to Dr. Chris Curtis, Dr. Peter Blomgren, Matt Walther, Lyndsay Walker, and Galen O'Sullivan.
Created as part of an undergraduate student project with San Diego State University in partnership with Leidos Holdings, inc.
This code can be used for personal or educational non-commerical, non-profit projects. If you want to use it for a commerical purpose, please contact us.
Documentation in order called by expanding_block.
###expanding_block: Main function. Tests an image for copy_move forgery.