This repository consist of learning documentation of Nodejs and projects.
- Vidly is a backend API for movie selling store. It has different version in the repository. each with different level of refactoring and following industry best pratices.
Node and its architecture.
Node module
- Global object
- modules ( inbuilt and custom).
- Http and event emitter module.
- Package dependencies and their types (production and testing)
- Versioning of package
- Updating, installing and removing pakcage globally and locally.
- creating ,updating and publishing a new package
- package.json.
Express framework
- Restful architecture
- Http
- Environmental variables
- Validation
- middleware (custom and inbuilt)
- debugger
- configuration files
- template engine (server side rendering)
Async Javascript
- callback
- promise
- async and await
- schema
- model
- Pagination and couny
- validation
- Modelling relationship ( embedding document and referencing)
- objectId
Authentication and Authorization
- Jwt
- password hash
- role based Authorization
Logging and Error handling
- Try catch
- custom middle ware
- winston package
- unhandled exception and unhandled rejection
Unit testing
Integration testing