A utilities to make and restore backups via mongodump and mongorestore. mongodump and mongorestore must be installed on your system to use this.
You can assert of mongodump and mongorestore is present on system using the function checkInstalled
exported by this module.
import { checkInstalled } from 'ale-mongoutils';
const isInstaled: boolean = await checkInstalled();
import { checkInstalled, createDumpCommand, createRestoreCommand, executeCommand } from 'ale-mongoutils';
Generate the mongodump command.
export interface Credentials {
database: string,
dist: string,
host: string,
username?: string,
password?: string,
collections?: Array<{ name: string, query?: string }>,
authenticationDatabase?: string,
import { createDumpCommand } from 'ale-mongoutils';
let commands = createDumpCommand({ database: 'test', host: 'mongodb://localhost:27017', dist: './temp' });
// [ 'mongodump --db test --host mongodb://localhost:27017 --out ./temp' ]
This function return a array of commands strings for all item in collections array on options. The query key of collections must ve a valid string of mongo find. see: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/program/mongodump/#cmdoption-mongodump-query
Generate the mongorestore command.
export interface Restore {
database: string,
username?: string,
password?: string,
from: string,
host: string,
drop?: boolean,
collections?: Array<{ name: string }>,
authenticationDatabase?: string,
import { createRestoreCommand } from 'ale-mongoutils';
let commands = createRestoreCommand(createRestoreCommand({ database: 'target-database', from: './temp/<from-db>', host: 'mongodb://localhost:27017' }));
// [ 'mongorestore --db target-database --host mongodb://localhost:27017 --dir ./temp/<from-db>' ]
This function return a array of commands strings for all item in collections array on options. The query key of collections must be a valid string of mongo find. see: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/program/mongorestore/
Execute a generated command.
import { executeCommand } from 'ale-mongoutils';
executeCommand(commandString, function(out) { console.log("OUT", out); }, function(err) { console.log("ERROR", err); })
.then(function(result) {
.catch(function(error) {
throw error;