SkyBuzz is a full stack Single Page Application (SPA) that let you post short messages (buzzs). You can read the timeline with the most recent buzzs. You need to be logged in to publish your own buzzs, or comment anothers. You can also check the list of the users (buzzers), always when you're logged in.
This project was developed by Laura Hernández, as a Final Project of ISDI Coders Programming Bootcamp.
: React | Typescript | Redux | PWA | Styled-components | Jest | Cypress
: NodeJS | ExpressJS | MongoDB | Mongoose | JWT | Jest
: Figma | Postman | Husky | SonarQube | Trello (Agile methodology board)
This is a PWA (Progressive Web App). You can download the App following this steps:
- Open the web app in your browser.
- Click on an install button in the address bar.
- The App will be installed into your device.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.\
Launches the test runner with the coverage information.
Launches the cypress test into the browser.