Conservatoire d'espaces naturels d'Occitanie
- Montpeliier, France
- si.cen-occitanie.org
pl-pyodk Public
PL/python function to interact with ODK Central server from any PostgreSQL database
getodk_docs Public
Forked from getodk/docsThe documentation for all the ODK tools. This is one of the most popular artifacts our community produces. It's built in Sphinx. ✨📚✨
Python Other UpdatedJun 4, 2024 -
central2pg Public
Some PostgreSQL functions to retrieve data from an ODK Central server to PostgreSQL tables.
pyodk Public
Forked from getodk/pyodkThe official Python library for ODK 🐍
xlsform.github.io Public
Forked from XLSForm/xlsform.github.ioWebsite for the XLSForm spec
vitrine-formulaires-odk-cens Public
A place to expose and share ODK forms developed the CEN network (to start...).
json2pg Public
PG functions to automatically get json resources from web into tables
website Public
Forked from geotribu/websiteSource du site statique de geotribu.net
HTML GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 28, 2021 -
memos Public
Forked from datagistips/memosDes mémos pour la donnée ou la géomatique
1 UpdatedSep 7, 2021 -
obs_occ_mb Public
Forked from pailletm/obs_occObservations occasionnelles. Application de saisie d'observations naturalistes (faune, flore, fonge)
HTML UpdatedFeb 11, 2021 -
docker-booked Public
Forked from bobdrummond/docker-bookedA Docker environment for Booked (a simply powerful, reserve anything scheduler)
Dockerfile UpdatedApr 7, 2019 -
docker-jasperserver-ce Public
Forked from agois-inc/docker-jasperserver-ceDocker image for JasperServer Community Edition
Shell BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 25, 2018 -
lizmap-web-client Public
Forked from 3liz/lizmap-web-clientLizmap Web Client
PHP Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedMay 17, 2018 -
GeoNature-atlas Public
Forked from PnX-SI/GeoNature-atlasApplication WEB permettant de générer des fiches espèces publiques à partir d'observations faune/flore
JavaScript BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedSep 5, 2017 -
jedit-docker-mode Public
Forked from wsargent/jedit-docker-modeA docker mode for jEdit
1 UpdatedAug 24, 2017 -
docker-postgis Public
Forked from postgis/docker-postgisDocker image for PostGIS
Shell MIT License UpdatedApr 21, 2017 -
geo-poppy Public
Forked from jancelin/geo-poppyRaspberry Pi Standalone WebSIG Server
Shell Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedSep 30, 2016 -
sql-joins-app Public
Forked from le0pard/sql-joins-appSQL JOINS visualizer
HTML MIT License UpdatedMar 17, 2016 -
olwidget Public
Forked from yourcelf/olwidgetJavascript library to replace textareas that contain WKT data with editable OpenLayers maps, and a django app using it for django forms and admin.
JavaScript Other UpdatedSep 1, 2015 -
LibreOfficeGetRestPlugin Public
Forked from DmytroBazunov/LibreOfficeGetRestPluginThe extension for LibreOffice Calc that's allows LibreOffice to get data from rest server.
Java UpdatedOct 12, 2014 -
export_all Public
Plugin pour Qgis qui exporte l'ensemble des objets des couches visibles, qui interscettn une géométrie selectionnée
UpdatedMay 25, 2014 -