Releases: mathieucarbou/YaSolR
Releases · mathieucarbou/YaSolR
- Fix JSON output for grid section
- Fix dimmer remapping feature which was incorrectly working
- Added more field to dimmer JSON output
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc16...v1.0.0-rc17
- Forcing activation of pulse analyzer in case of a ZC based dimmer is used
- Compute the PWM and DAC duty based on the power LUT because voltage is not linear
- bblanchon/ArduinoJson @ 7.3.1
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc15...v1.0.0-rc16
- Added support for DFRobot DAC GP8211S (DFR1071), GP8403 (DFR0971), GP8413 (DFR1073)
- Added statistic: Device: Heap Memory Free Min Lifetime (bytes)
- Updated GPIO config for Display and DFRobot: they use the same I2C pins (SDA and SCL)
- Moved reset button to system tab
- Move energy reset to system tab
- Added support for reading core dump information from the APi after a crash
- Increase relay on/off delay to 10 sec
- Dimmer remapping was not working with PWM dimmer
- Arduino core 3.1.3 based on IDF
- ESP32Async/ESPAsyncWebServer @ 3.7.1
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc14...v1.0.0-rc15
New Features
- Add support for PWM based Dimmer for LSA + PWM-Analog converter (No ZCD needed)
- Fix accuracy of energy reported: no more floats but Wh instead as uint32_t
- Fix THDi percentage calculation
- Memory allocation improvements
- Fix frequency source: usr-config dropdown first and if set to auto config, then from measurement devices
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc13...v1.0.0-rc14
- (OSS only) Bugfix: crash in OSS firmware v12
- (OSS only) ESP-DASH components wee not correctly displayd
- Update libs
- Activated LTO compilation
- Fix: THDi not correctly calculated for angle 1
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc12...v1.0.0-rc13
- Switched async libs to
- New display with scrolling
- New Dashboard with sections
- New user manual at
- Try to fix ESP32 blocking when starting in case MQTT publication fails (bad network)
- Fix wrong output state displayed when dimmer configured without bypass relay and dimmer was activated when no electricity is there
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc11...v1.0.0-rc12
- Only display dimmer type dropdown if dimmer activated in hardware page
- Upgrade to Arduino core 3.1.1 based on IDF
- New SafeBoot image
- New display implementation (less information, listed and scrolling)
- (bugfix) TextFields were not refreshed immediately
- (bugfix): Resistance calibration was not working with only JSY
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc10...v1.0.0-rc11
🛠 Under the hood
- Only display dimmer type if activated in hardware page
- mathieucarbou/ESPAsyncWebServer @ 3.5.1
- Arduino core 3.1.1 based on IDF
- mathieucarbou/ESPAsyncWebServer @ 3.6.0
- add some arduino task names
- Factory script update
- SafeBoot image update
- (bugfix) TextFields were not refreshed immediately
- New display
- (bugfix): Resistance calibration was not working with only JSY
- Fix MQTT bug: topics were not subscribed anymore
- Lib upgrade
- Updates in UI interface
- Introduced
Output 1 Dimmer Type
andOutput 2 Dimmer Type
inHardware config
tab - Finalized and tested support for LSA + PWM->Analog 0-10V + ZCD
- Only show ETH IP and MAC for ETH boards in stats
- Removed device revision in stats
- Rename Input Only to Input to avoid confusion with I/O in Hardware tab
- Fix output tab not displayed when only DS18 hardware was activated
- Memory improvement: Activating -D U8G2_USE_DYNAMIC_ALLOC=1 to save 2K of RAM when display not enabled
Added a new drop-down in Hardware config page to allow you to select the right dimmer type.
YaSolR will soon support PWM based LSA and DAC LSA.
- Supported dimmers:
- Manuel:
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc9...v1.0.0-rc10
🐛 Fixes
- fix script
- Fix version script
- Fix version script
- Fix version script
- Fix version script
- fix script
- Fix frequency not read from right place for jsy remote
- Fix UI components
- Fix dimmer bug
- Fix OSS compile issue
- fix compile issue
- Fix output tab not displayed when only DS18 hardware was activated
- Fix components displayed for outputs depending on grid electricity status
🛠 Under the hood
- mathieucarbou/ESPAsyncWebServer @ 3.3.22
- added commented line
- mathieucarbou/MycilaPZEM004Tv3 @ 5.0.0
- Bug fixes and add support for ZC pin of JSY-Mk-194T
- append_body: true
- mathieucarbou/MycilaEasyDisplay @ 3.0.2
- mathieucarbou/MycilaHADiscovery @ 5.0.1
- mathieucarbou/MycilaTrafficLight @ 1.1.1
- mathieucarbou/MycilaMQTT @ 4.2.3
- mathieucarbou/MycilaWebSerial @ 6.4.2
- mathieucarbou/MycilaESPConnect @ 6.1.1
- mathieucarbou/MycilaPulseAnalyzer @ 2.5.0
- mathieucarbou/MycilaConfig @ 4.0.0
- mathieucarbou/MycilaJSY @ 11.1.2
- Switched back to AsyncTCP
- mathieucarbou/MycilaJSY @ 11.1.3
- mathieucarbou/AsyncTCP @ 3.2.13
- mathieucarbou/AsyncTCP @ 3.2.14
- mathieucarbou/MycilaConfig @ 5.0.0
- mathieucarbou/MycilaConfig @ 6.0.1
- mathieucarbou/MycilaConfig @ 6.0.2
- mathieucarbou/MycilaESPConnect @ 7.0.0
- mathieucarbou/MycilaHADiscovery @ 6.0.0
- mathieucarbou/MycilaConfig @ 6.0.3
- mathieucarbou/MycilaSystem @ 4.0.0
- mathieucarbou/MycilaNTP @ 6.0.2
- mathieucarbou/MycilaTrafficLight @ 2.0.0
- mathieucarbou/MycilaWebSerial @ 7.0.0
- strlen optimization
- Switched to std::string
- mathieucarbou/MycilaConfig @ 7.0.3
- mathieucarbou/ayushsharma82-ESP-DASH
- ESP-DASH Pro update
- cleanup
- hybrid
- bblanchon/ArduinoJson @ 7.2.1
- Bugfix: virtual grid power was not correctly computed with PZEM
- mathieucarbou/MycilaUtilities @ 3.1.1
- Remove on/off with duration
- new mqtt lib with string_view support
- Arduino Core 3.1.0 RC3 / ESP-IDF 5.3
- Updating mqtt related libraries to add move semantic
- code cleanup
- Update to mathieucarbou/MycilaJSY @ 12.0.0 which adds support for JSY-MK-193
- ESPDashPro minor update
- mathieucarbou/ESPAsyncWebServer @ 3.3.23
- mathieucarbou/MycilaDS18 @ 4.1.2
- mathieucarbou/MycilaUtilities @ 3.1.1
- mathieucarbou/MycilaNTP @ 6.0.4
- Small updates and fixes
- Update i18n
- Merge pull request #41 from mathieucarbou/espdash-v5
- mathieucarbou/MycilaUtilities @ 3.1.3
- mathieucarbou/MycilaMQTT @ 6.0.3
- mathieucarbou/MycilaMQTT @ 6.0.4
- [Move onZeroCross() to dimmer lib](ad681f416af511d7d...
What's changed
- Dependency upgrade
- Make sure that dimmers will start once ZCD module detects electricity after startup
- CI improvements
- Relay switching threshold set to 5%
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc8...v1.0.0-rc9
🛠 Under the hood
What's changed
- bug fixes
- memory improvements
- code refactoring
- dependency update
option moved toHardware
section- All
change require a reboot to be activated (for memory improvements) - routing task now reacts faster and immediately to changes
- Default PID parameters updated
- graphs now have a maximum of 60 points for speed and memory improvement
- JSY Remote can also be used to measure router output on channel 1 (for example, with a JSY-MK-194 or 193 in the electric panel measuring Enedis plus water heater circuit)
- Added
option to activateJSY Remote
- Removed WebSocket endpoint for PID output
Excess Power Limiter (W)
allows to set an amount of power reserved for an output, to share the grid excess to the second output.
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc7...v1.0.0-rc8
🐛 Fixes
🛠 Under the hood
- dimmable light tweak
- changed PID defaults
- Remove routing task: now react immediately to grid power change instead of waiting for task to be scheduled (saves a few microseconds)
- added comment
- code cleanup
- WS push before dashboard update
- code cleanup around routingTask
- cleanup debug logging
- refactored grid data and grid frequency sources
- Fixed new default PID settings
- Task and memory optimisations
- reformat
- graph memory optimisation
- code refactoring
- Enabling / Disabling Hardware now require a restart
- MycilaGrid split in header/cpp file
- updated declaration ordering
- reordering
- cleanup
- code cleanup
- grid.getPower()
- Decouple JSY from Router + Several fixes:
- cpplint
- update logging
- Reorganizing tasks
- Introduced JSY Remote flag to only listen for JSY remote data when required
- added jsyr_enable to backup config page
- cpplint
- Code reorg
- Remove "Chart Reset" button
- Remove PID WebSocket output (/ws/pid/csv)
- simplification
- yasolr_start_jsy_remote_listener()
- yasolr_start_jsy()
- activate sections only when components are enabled
- Fixing temperature display when component not enabled or temp not available or expired
- cpplint
- yasolr_start_ds18()
- rename file
- yasolr_start_display()
- yasolr_start_lights()
- yasolr_start_zcd()
- only create tasks if hardware enabled
- yasolr_start_website()
- yasolr_start_logging()
- yasolr_start_rest_api()
- yasolr_start_config()
- cleanup and cpplint
- rename
- yasolr_start_pzem()
- cleanup
- yasolr_start_trial()
- cleanup
- yasolr_start_grid()
- twdt to boot
- trial expired checked when starting trial
- yasolr_start_system()
- yasolr_start_network()
- cleanup
- yasolr_start_mqtt()
- code cleanup
- code cleanup
- renames and moves
- bblanchon/ArduinoJson @ 7.3.0
- code cleanup and logging review
- code cleanup and bug fixes
- code cleanup + logging set for once at boot time (debug mode requires restart)
- code cleanup and lib updates
- avoids nan for virtual_grid_power
- mathieucarbou/MycilaUtilities @ 3.2.0
- Add support for derivative mode "On Error Rate"
- Fixed and tested excess power sharing by limiting the power reserved to an output
- [yasolr_init_relays()](