Vue.js tooltip directive (based on Popper.js)
import Tooltip from 'vue-directive-tooltip';
// or require('vue-directive-tooltip');
<span v-tooltip="'my text'">some text</span>
It is recommended to also add the CSS file which is in the ./css/
A SASS file is also included in the source for those who prefer fiddling.
Install via yarn
yarn add vue-directive-tooltip (--dev)
or npm
npm install vue-directive-tooltip (--save-dev)
<span v-tooltip="'my text'">some text</span>
<span v-tooltip="{content: 'my text'}">some text</span>
📝 Change the position of the tooltip
ℹ️ options: bottom (default) | top | left | right
💡 example
<span"'my text'">some text</span>
📝 Set the text to display
💡 example
<span v-tooltip="{ content: 'my text' }">some text</span>
📝 Append custom CSS class
💡 example
<span v-tooltip="{ class: 'custom-class other-custom-class' }">some text</span>
📝 Show/hide the tooltip
ℹ️ options: true (default) | false
💡 example
<span v-tooltip="{ content: 'my text', visible: true }">some text</span>
See example
If you don't use a package manager, you can access vue-directive-tooltip
via unpkg (CDN), download the source, or point your package manager to the url.
is compiled as a collection of CommonJS modules & [ES2015 modules](
-9/es6-modules-final.html) for bundlers that support the jsnext:main
or module
field in package.json (Rollup, Webpack 2)
The vue-directive-tooltip
package includes precompiled production and development UMD builds in the dist
folder. They can be used directly without a bundler and are thus compatible with many popular JavaScript module loaders and environments. You can drop a UMD build as a <script>
tag on your page. The UMD builds make vue-directive-tooltip
available as a window.vueDirectiveTooltip
global variable.
The code is available under the MIT license.
We are open to contributions, see for more info.
This module was created using generator-module-extended-boilerplate.