Create a web service which combines two existing web services.
Fetch a random name from Fetch a random Chuck Norris joke from[nerdy] Combine the results and return them to the user.
Example Fetching a name $ curl {"name":"Δαμέας","surname":"Γιάνναρης","gender":"male","region":"Greece"}
Fetching a joke $ curl '\[nerdy\]' { "type": "success", "value": { "id": 181, "joke": "John Doe's OSI network model has only one layer - Physical.", "categories": [“nerdy”] } }
Using the new web service $ curl ‘http://localhost:5000’ Δαμέας Γιάνναρης’s OSI network model has only one layer - Physical..
$$ mkdir -p
$$ git clone $$ cd ChuckNorris
$$ go run main.go
$$ docker build -t chucknorris .
$$ docker run -p 5000:5000 chucknorris:latest ( The above command will start a webserver on localhost:5000 port )