This Moodle question behaviour was created by Tim Hunt of the Open University.
It is like the standard adaptive behaviour, but for questions that are considered to be made up of a number of separate parts. Each part of the question can register a try at different times (whenever its inputs are complete, valid and have changed since the last try). This question behaviour was created for use with STACK
To install, either download the zip file,
unzip it, and place it in the directory moodle\question\behaviour\dfcbmexplicitvaildate
(You will need to rename the directory moodle-qbehaviour_adaptivemultipart -> adaptivemultipart
Alternatively, get the code using git by running the following command in the
top level folder of your Moodle install:
git clone git:// question/behaviour/adaptivemultipart
For full install instructions, see the STACK install instructions.