Utilities for the TRAPPIST image reduction for comets. Complementary to the iraf scripts. Main functions are highlighted bellow.
Update path configuration is in traputils.conf. If the file is copied in the home directory (/home/user/) that version will be read (prefered because not corrupted by updates in trappist-utils)
Copy 'solarirrad.dat', 'pf_schleicher.dat', 'median_ZPC_North.log', 'median_ZPC_South.log' and 'dark_substitution' in the calib folder
Copy 'perihelions' in the reduced data dir
Rename 'fts' into 'fits'
raw_path (str): path to the folder containing the fits files (subfolders will be affected as well)
pythrename(raw_path, tmpdata_dir):
Rename fits files to the trappist format and copy them to the tmpdata folder
raw_path (str): path to the raw file folder
tmpdata_dir (str): path to the directory where the files are to be copied
check_calib(fitstable, filt_list=filt_list):
Check whether all necessary calibration are available in the directory before recduction
Return False if there is a warning flag
fitstable: table with fits file parameters (see get_fitstable())
filt_list, optional: list of filters to take into consideration. Default is ['OH','CN','C2','C3','NH','BC','RC','GC','R','I', 'B', 'V']
Scan a directory to get a table with relevant infos from the fits headers
Return the table
raw_dir (str): path to the directory to scan
generate_ZP(calib_dir, ephemeris, fitstable, ZPparams=ZP):
Generate calib.dat file with closest zero points
calib_dir (str): path to the directory containing zero point files. calib.dat will be copied there
ephemeris: ephemeris object (see get_ephem.py)
fitstable: table containing the fits files info (see get_fitstable())
ZPparams, optional: table containing constant values in the calib.dat file. default should be fine at all time
output_dir (str), optional, default=None: if not given, output in calib dir
clreduce(iraf_dir, conda=True):
Wrapper to launch iraf progtrap3 in python
iraf_dir (str): path to the home iraf directory
conda (boolean, default=True): if False, will not use the source activate line when launching cl
clafrhocalcext(iraf_dir, pixsize, solocomete, soloinitx, soloinity, soloinitcboxsize, conda=True):
Wrapper to launch iraf afrhocalcext in python
iraf_dir (str): path to the home iraf directory
pixsize (float): size of the image pixel
solocomete ()
conda (boolean, default=True): if False, will not use the source activate line when launching cl
Checks if all darks are made for every line of list_D_exptime
return False if not
iraf_dir (str): path to the home iraf directory
tmpout_dir (str): path to the directory to check
Check if there is a BC image for duct continuum correction
tmpout (str): directory to check
generate_haserinput(tmpout, fc=fc, fz=0):
generate the haserinput file for the iraf script. Select the BC image. Gives a warning on error
tmpout (str): working directory
fc (dic, optional): dictionnaru containing the fc for each filter. See file for default
fz (int, optional): value of fz. default =0
clhasercalctest(iraf_dir, arg='no', conda=True):
Wrapper to launch iraf hasercalctest in python
iraf_dir (str): path to the home iraf directory
conda (boolean, default=True): if False, will not use the source activate line when launching cl
Clean the afrhotot files to keep only the last computed value for each image
direc (str): path to the working directory
Initiate an ephemeris class with defaults parameters to query NASA Horizons
ephemeris.retrieve_param_from_fits(self, fits_dir):
Open the first fits files in 'fits_dir' starting with TRAP to set the observatory in the ephemeris class
Open all the fits files in 'fits_dir' to get the dates and set the ephemeris range in the ephemeris class
fits_dir (str): path to the directory
Query NASA Horizons and format the result
ephemeris.query_input(self, unique_target=False, target=None, convert_MPC_Horizon=False):
Query for the object name and launch query_horizons()
Loop until a query is successful, otherwise ask for a new input
unique_target (str, optional, default=False): set to True to remember the name of the target of the first successful query.
Useful for reducing different night with the same object.
Set to False if using nights from different objects.
target (str, optional, default=None): if different from None, use as initial object name input for query_horizons()
convert_MPC_Horizon (boolean, optional, default=False): if is True and target different than None, covert target_name from MPC to NASA Horizon format
last_epoch (boolean, optional, default=True): if True relauch a query with the last epoch if there is multiple epochs returned after a successful query'
ephemeris.generate_ephem_files(self, output_dir):
Generates ephem.brol and eph.dat file in 'output_dir'.
Dates are expressed in MJD at the moment but can be changed in the script (then also need to be changed in afrhocalcext)
output_dir (str): path to the output directory
NAS_build(NAS_path, export_path, keyword=''):
Generate an indexed database of .fits and .fts file in the NAS of binning 2, containing keywords from the fits headers
An indexed database can be queryed much faster than going through all the files each time
NAS_path : str
path the NAS to query
export_path : str
path for export of the database (with the filename)
keyword : str, optional
if different than '', needs to be present in the folder path for it to be considered. The default is ''.
check_objects_names(startdate, enddate, NASfitstable):
Makes a list of all the objects in a table between given dates
if the dates are at 12:00, will include the startdate as starting night but not the enddate as starting night
startdate (datetime): starting time
enddate (datetime): ending time
NASfitstable (pandas dataframe): indexed database-style table
get_files(obj_name, NASfitstable, output_path, dayinterval, dateinterval=['','']):
Look for and prompt for downloading files in the NAS
It is advised to not mix TN and TS queries
look on the TN or TS NAS for all the nights containing the object (obj_name).
Night by night, look for the calibration files for a given dayinterval.
Download the lights and found calibs and put them in a date folder.
Date interval can be given to select data betwenn two starting nights intervals
obj_name (str): object name in the NASfitstable
NASfitstable (pandas dataframe): indexed table-style table
output_path (str): path to a folder to save the files
dayinterval (int): day interval to look for calib files before and after the observation night
date_interval (list [datetime, datetime], optional, default=['','']): of 2 terms: the starting date for the search and second the ending date, in datetime format
if '' given for one of the argument, consider no date limit on that end
skip_existing(boolean, default = False): if set to True, will skip download if output_path already exists
if False will ask if delete old dir and download or skip.
lookforcalib(NASfitstable, imtype, output_fold, night, obj='', exptime=0, filt='R', dayinterval=0, copy=True):
Look for a specific set of file the closest to the observation file in the database and download it. By default look for the files closest to the observation night
NASfitstable (pandas dataframe): indexed-type database, can be imported with loadcsvtable()
imtype (str): image type. can take values of 'light', 'dark', 'flat' or 'bias'
output_fold (str): path to the output directory.
Inside this directory needs a subfolder with the observation night in YYYYMMDD format and a subsubfolder Calibration
night (str YYYYMMDD): night of observation in an str YYYYMMDD
obj (str, semi-optional, defaut=''): name of the object if imtype='light'
exptime (int, semi-optional, defaut=0): exposure time if imtype='dark'
filt (str, semi-optional, default='R'): name of the filter if imtype='flat'
dayinterval (int, optional, default=0): the starting point in time to look for image from the observation night
copy (boolean, optional, default=True): wheter to prompt for copying the files or not
plot_centering(input_dir, output_dir=None):
Create a png for each image with the centering given by the pipeline at a radius of 5'' and 10 000 km.
input_dir : str
path of the folder containing the image and centerlist (typicaly tmpout)
output_dir : str, optional
path for outputting the images. If None, uses input_dir. The default is None.
plot_centering_profile(input_dir, output_dir=None):
Same as plot_centering + a plot of the radial profile
Create a png for each image with the centering given by the pipeline at a radius of 5'' and 10 000 km.
input_dir : str
path of the folder containing the image and centerlist (typicaly tmpout)
output_dir : str, optional
path for outputting the images. If None, uses input_dir. The default is None.
solocomet: boolean, optional
if solocomet = True, only the last reduced image (the last in the centerlist) will be replotted
plot_haserprofile(input_dir, output_dir=None, solocomet=False, comet_name=''): """ Same as plot_centering + a plot of the radial profile Create a png for each image with the centering given by the pipeline at a radius of 5'' and 10 000 km.
input_dir : str
path of the folder containing the image and centerlist (typicaly tmpout)
output_dir : str, optional
path for outputting the images. If None, uses input_dir. The default is None.
solocomet: boolean, optional
if solocomet = True, only the last reduced image (the last in the centerlist) will be replotted
comet_name : str, optional
name of the comet for the plot tile. default is ''