Required tooling:
- Install rust
- To run the component outside browser you need wasmtime with component model feature enabled
Installation instruction:
cargo install wasm-tools
Installation instruction:
cargo install --git wit-bindgen-cli
Install a recent (version 20 tried here) version of wasi-sdk. These instructions assume wasi-sdk is installed in /opt/wasi-sdk
Build a recent wasmtime from source (you will need the source for the wit-file later):
git clone
cd wasmtime
git submodule update --init
cargo build --features=component-model --release
Put target/release/wasmtime
somewhere in PATH
Here we implement a simple component to the wasi:cli/command world interface that modern wasmtime can use. Instead of a main
function, the component needs to implement a run
The wit
directory contains a copy of the wasi:cli/command world which normally is found in the wasmtime repo.
wit-bindgen c wit --world=wasi:cli/command
This will create:
Generating "command.c"
Generating "command.h"
Generating "command_component_type.o"
Check the file component1.c
#include "command.h"
// The run-function required by the wit interface
bool exports_wasi_cli_run_run() {
wasi_cli_stdout_output_stream_t stdout_stream = wasi_cli_stdout_get_stdout();
const char * str = "Hello component!\n";
command_list_u8_t str_p;
str_p.ptr = str;
str_p.len = strlen(str);
command_tuple2_u64_wasi_io_streams_stream_status_t ret;
// Doing some extra outputs to force a flush as blocking doesn't worj properly
wasi_io_streams_blocking_write(stdout_stream, &str_p, &ret);
wasi_io_streams_blocking_write(stdout_stream, &str_p, &ret);
return true;
/opt/wasi-sdk/bin/clang \
command.c component1.c \
command_component_type.o \
-o component1-core.c.wasm -mexec-model=reactor
Convert the resulting core webassembly file to a webassembly component:
wasm-tools component new component1-core.c.wasm -o component1.c.wasm
wasmtime component1.c.wasm --wasm-features component-model
The output should be:
Hello component!
Note: the output should really be the text repeated twice, but due to a bug in wasmtime, the blocked output does not work properly at this time.
Consider a change in the component above to call another component which has an exported function to add two numbers.
We need a new wit that combines the interface of the new component with the wasi:cli/command world.
interface adder {
add: func(a: s32, b: s32) -> s32
world adderw {
export adder
world adderi {
import adder
include wasi:cli/command
Generate the needed interface files for the two worlds in this wit-file like this:
wit-bindgen c wit --world=adderi
wit-bindgen c wit --world=adderw
This are the generated files:
Generating "adderi.c"
Generating "adderi.h"
Generating "adderi_component_type.o"
Generating "adderw.c"
Generating "adderw.h"
Generating "adderw_component_type.o"
Now change the original component to call a function in another component, specified by the world adderi
above, which contains the previously used wasi:cli/command
world and the adder interface.
#include "adderi.h"
// The run-function required by the wit interface
bool exports_wasi_cli_run_run() {
wasi_cli_stdout_output_stream_t stdout_stream = wasi_cli_stdout_get_stdout();
// NEW: a call to another component
int32_t added = wasmtime_wasi_adder_add(23, 19);
char * str = (added != 23+19) ? "Wrong value" : "Hello component!\n";
adderi_list_u8_t str_p;
str_p.ptr = str;
str_p.len = strlen(str);
adderi_tuple2_u64_wasi_io_streams_stream_status_t ret;
// Doing some extra outputs to force a flush as blocking doesn't worj properly
wasi_io_streams_blocking_write(stdout_stream, &str_p, &ret);
wasi_io_streams_blocking_write(stdout_stream, &str_p, &ret);
return true;
Next, define the component with the adder interface:
#include "adderw.h"
int32_t exports_wasmtime_wasi_adder_add(int32_t a, int32_t b){
return a + b;
With all the parts and components in place, let's compile and generate the components.
The component which exports run
and which calls the adder component:
/opt/wasi-sdk/bin/clang adderi.c call_adder.c adderi_component_type.o -o call_adder.core.wasm -mexec-model=reactor
wasm-tools component new call_adder.core.wasm -o call_adder.c.wasm
The adder component:
/opt/wasi-sdk/bin/clang adderw.c adder.c adderw_component_type.o -o adder.core.wasm -mexec-model=reactor
wasm-tools component new adder.core.wasm -o adder.c.wasm
Then, build a composed Webassembly component:
wasm-tools compose -o adding.wasm call_adder.c.wasm -d adder.c.wasm
We are now ready to call the assembly of components with wasmtime:
wasmtime adding.wasm --wasm-features component-model