A small utility to extract colors from an image based on simple filter criterias.
I was playing around with a clone of Spotifys "now playing" UI on mobile a while back, and wanted to create it in vanilla HTML/CSS/JS.
None of the existing color extractor libraries could achieve the effect I wanted, so I created this package to scratch my own itch and learn about NPM at the same time 😄
- lightweight
- zero dependencies
- HSL-first
- granular filter control
As ESM module:
npm install chromo-mimic
Use in your HTML from CDN:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/chromo-mimic/dist/chromo-mimic.js"></script>
Tip: add a version number to the url to always get a specific version:
The ChromoMimic
object will be globally availble:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import ChromoMimic from 'chromo-mimic';
function App() {
const [color, setColor] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
ChromoMimic.getColorFromImage('src/cat.jpeg').then((extractedColor) => {
setColor(extractedColor); // The extracted color as an HSL object {h, s, l}
}, []);
return <pre>{JSON.stringify(color, null, 2)}</pre>;
export default App;
⚠️ chromo-mimic use the canvas API, so it is not possible to directly load an image from another domain.