This is a follow up test to test how well akka-http runs on a Raspberry Pi (2).
A similar test was done around 2 years ago with spray. See here for details:
Follow these steps to get started:
Git-clone this repository.
$ git clone git://
Change directory into your clone:
$ cd akka-http-rpi
Launch SBT:
$ sbt
Compile everything and run all tests:
> compile
Start the application:
> run
Browse to http://localhost:8080/
Create an assembly and deploy to your Raspberry Pi
> assembly > scp target/scala-2.11/akka-http-rpi-assembly-0.1.jar pi@raspberrypi:~/
Start akka-http on the Raspberry Pi
> ~/jdk1.8.0_66/bin/java -Xss1M -Xms64M -jar akka-http-rpi-assembly-0.1.jar
> ~/jdk1.8.0_66/bin/java -Xss2M -Xms128M -jar akka-http-rpi-assembly-0.1.jar
Benchmark with wrk
wrk -c 30 -t 20 -d20s http://raspberrypi:8080/
In my tests I could reach around 520 Req/sec with this setup, but this setup isn't in any way optimized. In further tests I want to investigate further and see some backpressure at work.